The Other World

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"Fuck.....Katsuki Bakugo. If there's one thing I've learned from hanging around that ass-clown, it's that he's a giant baby, and a self entitled piece of shit. But you know what was the MOST fucked up thing he did? Handing me over to the League of Villians, because his girlfriend stared at me for too long. WHO DOES THAT!?!? This isn't the Victorian Days! You don't condemn someone to death because someone accidentally gave off too much eye contact! Anyways, hello dear readers. I know what you're probably thinking: "Oh no! He's breaking the fourth wall again! This isn't gonna be like that yandere story again, is it!?" Don't know if that's what you're actually thinking, but for those if you who did, I can assure's not. And it ain't no Deadpool story either. That comes later. No, this story is more of a tragic tale. One full of action, romance, possibly (hopefully) sex, and of course, one of the most important aspect of this story......A SHIT TON OF GORE!! Anyways, enough chit-chat, you wanna see some action, don't ya!? Well then let's get right to it."

Izuku Midoriya sat in the dark, bruised, cut, and bleeding heavily, after seven full months of torture. He spits out some blood, knowing that he was about to die soon. A few figures enter the room, approaching the boy. The leader, Tomura Shigaraki, crouches next to him, smiling while looking at the boy.

Tomura: "Good news Midoriya! You're getting out of here!"

Izuku: " mean?"

Tomura: "I think you know. It's been fun though kid! But now you have to go....."

Izuku closes his eyes, until he seemingly dissappears out of reality. Opening his eyes, not feeling any pain, he sees himself in a endless white void, seeing no signs of life.

Izuku: "Is this like that one SpongeBob episode?"

"No Izuku. I can assure you it's not."

Izuku turns around to see a being made of light staring down at him.

Izuku: "Who are you?"

"I go by many names. But most people know me by........Spider-Deku2012."

Izuku: "Whoa.......wait, why do you have my nickname?"

"Don't know. It just sounded nice. Anyways, I've come to give you a choice seeing as how you've been wronged for no reason. Now, your choices are: You can remain dead and become a being of light, and stay in eternal paradise, or you can choose to reincarnate in an alternate reality."

Izuku: "Both sound nice, but I kinda wanna go to this alternate reality."

"Good choice. Now, before you go, I have some advice to give you. 1) When you die in this world, you can resurrect up to a maximum of 15 times. 2) Your Quirk will change in this alternate earth. Got it?"

Izuku: "Got it. Thank you."

"Your welcome. Before you go though, I will add in some altercations to your personality and appearance."

Izuku: "Okay. Hey, when I enter this new reality, will I remember you?"

"No. Unfortunately not. But hey, at least you were a nice Izuku. Last one who knew about me just swore at me and cussed me out."

Izuku: "What'd you do to him?"

"Well I struck him with lightning, and decided to have him date this yandere girl he loved. Anyways, we've wasted too much precious time. Good luck Midoriya."

Izuku: "Thank you. Bye!"

With a flash of light, Izuku's recent memories with the being faded away, and he enters the new world.......falling through the sky.

Izuku: "OH SHI-!!"

He crashes through a glass dome, and falls into a lake inside the structure. He gets pulled out of the water, by a girl in a green jumpsuit, who gets a shocked expression when she sees him.

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