Kind But Violent

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Two days later

All For One: "Tomuro failed the assignment?"

Touyu: "Yeah. You're not gonna believe this, but a male with a Quirk killed the Nomu."

All For One: "You can confirm this?"

Touyu: "Not just me, but the twenty-seven other members who also witnessed him."

All For One: "Hmmmmm......this changes things. Keep up the work, and make sure Tomuro is in the proper mental state for your future assignments."

Touyu nods, and ends the video call. Meanwhile, Tomuro laid down in her bed, unable to get Izuku out of her head. Sure, she thought he was cute when she first laid eyes on him, but now her feelings and original motives for him changed completely, after he saved her life, even though she was planning to kill them and enslave Izuku. She grabs an apple, but accident disintegrates it. She grabs an orange, which also disintegrates, much to her annoyance. She eyes a twinkie, squints at it, and carefully makes sure to keep it inside the wrapper as she eats it.


Izuku spins his chair around, waiting for the Heroes to enter the interrogation room. Little did he know, the Heroes, along with the school principal, Nezumi, were watching him from behind the glass.

Midnight: "Well, there are no records of him at all. This kid either knows how to evade every kind of detection, or he just fell out of nowhere."

Endeavor: "So we should consider him dangerous. With a Quirk like his, he's bound to hurt someone."

Present Mic: "He doesn't seem that dangerous, despite what he did to that monster."

Snipe: "Let's just see to make sure first."

They look back and see Izuku spin his chair fast, making it break, sending him crashing to the ground, and making him groan and get back up.

Midnigh: "Awwwww! How can someone that adorable be so violent?"

Shouta: "Don't get any ideas."

Nezumi: "Hmmmmm. It appears that despite his...violent Quirk, young Izuku here seems perfectly safe."

Snipe: "So what do we do with him? He's the first male in history to have a Quirk."

Nezumi: "What else would we do? If he wishes, he'll attend here at UA."

Shouta: "Okay, but were will he stay?"

Nezumi: "In the dorms."

All-Might: "But the dorms aren't done until next month."

Nezumi: "True, so how would one of you like to be the boy's guardian until then?"

Midnight: "I'll do it!"

Everyone: "NOT YOU!!"

Nezumi: "Excellent! Then I guess you'll watch over the boy Ms. Aizawa!"

Shouta: "W-W-W-W-What!?"

Nezumi: "You're the only one here who seems qualified enough to take care of the boy."

Present Mic: "Yeah! You're already like a mom to 1A! A strict, scary mom, but at least your a mom!"

Shouta: "I don't think I'm really qualified!"

Nezumi: "It'll only be for a month Shouta."

Shouta: "*Sigh* Fine.....I'll watch over him."

She enters the room to talk to Izuku, who's already passed out asleep. She nudges him and wakes him up.

Izuku: "Oh, hello again."

Shouta: "Hello Izuku. Sorry for keeping you waiting. I have something important to tell you about."

Izuku: "What's that?"

Shouta: "Well, since we have no records of you or your parents, I wanted to know would like for me to be your legal guardian."

Izuku: "Sure."

Shouta: "I know this may be a difficult decision for you, so you can take as much time as you need to......wait. Did you just say sure?"

Izuku: "Yeah. I just don't know where to go, plus you seem like someone I can trust. I'd be honored to have a hero like you as my guardian."

Shouta smiles at him, and leads him out of the room, heading towards their home.


All For One enters a dark room, and begins using her Quirks to send her into her Astral Form. She enters a grassy plain full of flowers, with doors above her. She is greeted by another person in his own Astral Form. After they greet eachother, the two All For One's begin talking.

All For One (M): "Ahmya. You look beautiful as always."

All For One (F): "You look good yourself Kurayami."

Kurayami: "I must ask, why have you summoned us here?"

Ahmya: "A boy has arrived here. He has powers, but I don't think it's a Quirk."

Kurayami: "Why's that?"

Ahmya: "He has chainsaws coming out of his own body."

Kurayami: "You don't think it's......Him do you?"

Ahmya: "I do. You know what this means now right?"

Kurayami: "If it is true, then I'll choose the Bakugo boy as my champion."

Ahmya: "And I'll choose Tomuro. But only until we can confirm that he is who we think he is."

The two get up, bow to eachother, and exit their Astral Forms.

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