Ignore and Ignore...

504 26 31

Still Sunday -- 9:09 PM

Author's P.O.V

He hisses as the damp cotton touches his stinging bruise, located on the side of his bicep.

Ryujin was in shock, although she felt she needed a bit of time away from Beomgyu after their last fight. However she couldn't help herself when she pulled him inside. He looked so unhinged and it reminded her of the last time she saw him like that.

A disaster he was.

He stood there with his knuckles bleeding, bruises and cuts all over his face, and despite all of this he kept a bold smile on his lips as he waved at her lazily, uttering the word 'surprise'

Ryujin still couldn't comprehend the image she saw when she opened that door.

After another hiss from Beomgyu, Ryujin finally talks. "Did he do this to you?" The short haired girl asked referring to his father, although it was obvious Beomgyu still answered with another question. "Who?" He questions, his voice low, and eyes trained on Ryujin's hands as she wraps Beomgyu's knuckles with a cast like gauze. 

"Your father" Ryujin responds without hesitation, while Beomgyu hopes to god that she didn't see the way he slightly flinched, but Ryujin saw it all. In fact she couldn't keep her eyes off of him, his attitude and feigned amusement on his face, all contradicts with his stiff and sore movements. It reminded Ryujin of the days when she was 7 and unable to get out of her bed because of the hunger turning into pain, because of the beatings and stings that still shamelessly run along her skin and dreams. 

The red haired sighs at her answer, "Yes, he did it and it was quicker than last time so...that's a bonus."  Ryujin's heart has evaporated, it wasn't the same after he'd said that, it hurt. It hurt so badly. The two of them were seated on the couch close to the kitchen, Ryujin was about to offer some water and try to find some pain killers, but she heard the front door to the dorm open and rapidly remembered that Karina, her roommate, always returned to the dorm late because she was a trainee, though Ryujin's surprised she even came home.

Quickly, Ryujin slips her arm around Beomgyu's arm and glides the two of them towards her room, Yeji hopefully wouldn't be coming home soon, because it would be a great surprise to come home from a family dinner to Beomgyu in your shared room, with your roommate.

That wouldn't look good for Ryujin, plus she wasn't here to make out with him, she just wanted to make sure he was okay before letting him go back home.

"Are you embarrassed of me?" Beomgyu implies with a snicker following his already holed out tone, as if he were vacant inside. "Yes and no" Ryujin replies with no intent on making that sound kind, some part of her was still tense because of their last encounter. She just didn't understand how he did it! How he still had the audacity to show up to find her in her dorm after they weren't on speaking terms!

It just didn't make sense in her mind.

Ryujin was an expert in pushing people away, but she couldn't push Beomgyu away when she needed to, for some reason it was Beomgyu pushing her and her feelings around. 

When she's with him, she's liquid, a very slippery liquid.

"I'm not trying to be marked as your new whore" Ryujin tells him as she places the books and documents of assignments off her bed, flattening out the sheets and fitting her closed computer on her desk. "Isn't that a title you've already earned?" Silence was the only conclusion he received and it didn't pierce through her that much.

Mostly because she knows how much he wants her as well.

"You're saying that as though you aren't the same."

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