𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣

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Friday - 4:05 PM

Beomgyu's P.O.V

"You know I could just pay your way to a degree, right?" I say persuasively as a smile is practically engraved on my lips. Ryujin curses at me whilst I laugh at her cute adorable out lashes at me whenever I mention the money I have. "I don't want you bribing my professor, and I actually want to learn. Just accept that I can't hang out right now. Now let me do my homework!" I laugh even more before pouting softly.

"Okay well...do you need anything? If you're hungry, I can send some food over-" She hung up.

I chuckle at my phone before switching tabs to text her.


Gyu: You can't get rid of me that easily

Gyu: Now answer the question!

Ryu: Gyu! I need to study 😩

Gyu: Too bad!

Ryu: I'm blocking you now

Ryu: You've been too nice

Gyu: 🤨

Ryu: text me again and I'll block your number 😡


I sigh. The hint of my smile still etched on my face. I turn to look for the boys, we usually hang out together after school, and now that Ryujin won't hang out with me, they're my only hope of saving me from boredom. Although I could study, I don't feel like it, and I'm sure I've just wasted my place in this school a million times, I feel passion for acting but my parents ruin it for me.

I don't want to be like them but can't help feeling drawn to acting and portraying a character's problems and successes that aren't my own.

Escaping my reality.

I like it for that.

Same reason I like Ryujin. And of course her mouth, I'm in love with her lips.

"Who got you smiling like that?" Taehyun asks, "It's no one, and I wasn't smiling" I claim offensively. I try to hide the happiness in my eyes. Yesterday, after me and Ryujin had finished with our walk (and crying session) we came to the dorm and slowly opened the door, we didn't want Taehyun and Chaeryeong to know we were home. We tip toed to the living room, hiding ourselves behind the wall, peeking at them and the shock in what we found nearly killed me and Ryujin.

The two were kissing.

Full out on the couch type of shit.

It was so desperate and messy, I didn't know that leaving them alone would render them to become like this. Ryujin almost gasped too loudly, so I covered her mouth and moved us back to the front door. I opened it and then slammed it as though we just came back, I could just hear the way they froze. Ryujin nodded at me as though she was telling me that'd we'd pretend that we never saw them kissing in the living room.

Then when we walked back, they were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, their faces red, and everything cleaned up. The blanket that was originally thrown to the floor was folded neatly and sat on Chae's lap. The only evidence of the nastiness that was going on was how ruffled Taehyun's hair was.

I tried not to make it weird, because I'm sure he thought me and Ryujin didn't know anything but we did, so I cleared my throat and gulped down the urge to yell 'YOU KISSED CHAERYEONG!'

Shortly after we spot Yeonjun.

"Hyung!" I cheer as a greeting, I slide my arm around Yeonjun's shoulder blade lovingly, "Hi Gyu" Yeonjun chuckles as he interrupts my introduction. "Wanna come over? we're going to order food, we're thinking Chinese food for tonight" Yeonjun forced a smile and nodded, "Whats wrong?" Taehyun asks curious, Taehyun will always ask for us, it's a blessing given from God. Kai, me and Soobin don't have the guts to ask even if we instantly notice the mood one of us is in.

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