Cant stand her like this

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Mysterious POV

I saw her walk out of the restroom with puffy hair red eyes runny nose.

If you weren't observant you'd say she's sick but she was actually crying.

I didn't know what was wrong with her but it bothered me. It aggravated me it pissed me off. Why was she crying!! I wanted to pester her make her talk open up.

I sat in class staring at her I'm glad she never notices it. I could tell she was brilliant she would finish her work in spam of five minutes, works that usually takes an hour to complete. She never had any friends no one wanted to be her friend. All the guys either wants to bang her or makeout with her. That's mostly why girls hated her the guys would randomly start talking about how hot she is infront of them.

I would be upset if I was their girlfriend.

She laiyed her head down and her eyes fultterd close. Then a few tears dripped from her cheeks to the desk. She quickly whipped it off then rose up and headed to the restroom with tears trying to escape.

I felt irritated angry pissed I need to punch something or someone.

I can't stand seeing her like this I can't I just can't.

Lunch was finally here Im starving I stat down next to my friends and ate my sandwiches. I made one I made my mom make one and then I told my dad to buy one also I took my sisters cause she's going through that phase where she thinks eating meat is discusting and it cruel to the animals and shit. Out of all the phases she went through this one has to be my favorite more food for me. I looked up and saw Alicia rummaging through her backpack looking for something she didn't have her lunch out I could tell she huffed then she stood leaving her backpack and books on the table heading out the cafeteria.

I think she forgot her lunch.

I could offer the sandwich my dad bought. But that would look wrong.

She came back in looking aggravated she stop in the lunch line figgiting with the hem of her shorts. Uncomfortable as she was veronica started yelling at her yet she never retaliated. Now she looked even more angry ugh I started thinking of ways to shut veronica up throw food? No. push her? No. kiss her? Eww no but... someone else could! "Hey Johnny I'll give $30 if you kiss veronica right now."

He stop chewing whipped his mouth with the back of his hand and rushed to her giving her a disgusting sloppy kiss you could see drool coming down from the corner of his lip and when he pulled away his leftover chewed up tuna fell out of his mouth some on the floor some on Veronicas lip and the rest on her shirt mix with drool. He saw the chewed tunna on her upper lip then licked it dragging his tongue over her bottom lip and upper.

By now I was dying I couldn't control my breathing my body shook and shook I gotta pay him more. I looked up and saw a few girls with faces of discuss some were snickering then saw the guys most of them were recording. Then I saw Alicia wide eyes stood staring at veronica then a smile formed on her face she bit her bottom lip and shook her head and turned away. Johnny came and sat back down with a victorious experssion I patted his back and slid him a fithy dollar bill. "I thought you said $30?" He questioned. "I know but man that was hilarious." He nodded and went back to eating his tuna straight from the can.

I looked back to the special spot of Johnny's big make out scene and veronica was still standing I guess still in shock. one of her friends came and took her by the hand and escorted her outside the cafeteria.

I looked over to Alicia and she caught my gaze but quickly broke it.

A smile lingered on her face. I can't help but feel proud that I caused it.

I want to be the reason you wake up and smile.


Hehe another mysterious point of view.

Who could it be?

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