[Chapter 1]

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You stood in front of the Akademiya as you sighed. You were a scholar for the Akademiya and you have been for a year now. You couldn't say you've enjoyed the year though. Being a scholar was hard, not only were you forced to learn 20 languages, but you also had to attend every day, even if you were sick.

You had always thought it was inhuman of the sages to implement those rules, but if you complained you'd be expelled, which you obviously didn't want. At least you had two friends that you could talk to and study with. You walked over towards the entrance and pushed the door open to reveal a water fountain in the middle of the big lobby of the Akademiya. The walls were grey and the floor was made out of stone with practically the same color. There were a few potted plants and a carpet, but they barely did anything to the lobby, it looked sad and depressing, no plants could fix that.

You could hear heavy footsteps approaching you from the left. You turned your head towards the sound and noticed your two friends, Dottore and Alec. ,,Good morning Y/N.'' Dottore said while looking at the contents of his book. ,,Good morning Dottore. Good morning Alec. Seems like the two of you are early today.'' You said with a smile on your face.

,,Indeed. We wanted to go to the library and get some books before other students could get their dirty and on them.'' Alec responded before handing you a book. 'Liyue's Specialty dishes' was writing on the cover of the book in big white letters, it had a light yellow cover and the symbol of Liyue on it. ,,It's the book I wanted! Thank you so much!'' You said as you quickly opened the book and flickered thru the pages.

Usually you didn't like cooking, however, you were trying to get better at it so you could cook for your sister and grandmother without them either getting sick or throwing up. Aside from that, this book also contained some history of Liyue, which you wanted to learn more about.

,,Anyhow.'' Dottore closed his book and looked at you. ,,We should get going Y/N. I don't want to be late.'' You nodded your head before closing the book you just got from your friend. ,,Alright, let's go. See you later Alec!'' You waved your friend goodbye before walking over towards Dottore's side. Alec waved the two of you goodbye before heading towards the other direction.

You and Dottore were two of the many scholars that were in one of the six Darshans, Kshahrewar, which delved into Technology. You found it to be quite an interesting topic, not only did you get to help designing buildings in Sumeru, but you also got to test puzzles. Technology is quite important to many regions now a days, so trying to understand it better might give you a good job later in life.

You knew why you were doing Kshahrewar, but Dottore? You had no clue why he was there. He seemed more like someone who enjoyed science. Not to mention he admitted he wasn't into designing buildings or creating puzzles. In fact, the only things he seemed to talk about was about finding a cure for Eleazar, a prominent disease in Sumeru. So why was he here?

,,We're here. Seems like there are barely any people here yet.'' Dottore looked into the classroom. There were a lot of empty seats with only a few people sitting there waiting for the class to begin. You and Dottore walked into the classroom and sat down at the back of the class like usual.

Dottore was silent as he grabbed the book he was reading back in the lobby. ''Must be an interesting book.'' You thought as you took a quick peek at the cover. 'Ancient technology' with an old ruin guard on it. But then it hit you. ,,Dottore, isn't that an old machine from Khaenri'ah?'' You whispered as you turned towards him. ,,Yes, why you ask?'' ,,How did you get a book about Khaenri'ah?! Those aren't allowed in the library.'' There was silence for a few seconds before he spoke. ,,Well yeah, obviously'' he chuckled before speaking once again ,,I got it from the restricted section.''

You looked at him in pure shock. ''How did he get into the restricted section?! Is he really that smart to get the attention of one of the sages?!'' You thought as you continued to look at your friend. ,,Who.. how did you get into the restricted section? Did someone allow you to get there? Who was it?'' You finally spoke. At this point you were both amazed and shocked. ,,I have my connections.'' He responded with a proud smile on his face. ,,What kind of answer is that?! Besides I thought you weren't into technology.''

,,You're asking so many questions today Y/N.'' ,,I'm not into the technology we learn about here. I'm only interested in the old machines that were once created by the old nation. They seemed to be quite smart people and they were far too inelegant for their time. I'm just curious about the way the machines were made.'' He answered your question before putting his elbow onto the table and laid his head on the palm of his hand. He then looked at you with a tired look on his face. ,,These classes are quite boring to me. Not only am I not interested in these topics, but I also know practically everything that we are learning.''

,,Then why did you pick this subject and not something that does peek your interest?'' You asked as you raised an eyebrow at your friend. ,,That's none of your concern. Haven't I already answered all of your questioned? I need a break.'' ,,Alright fine. But seriously you should have chosen a different subject. Maybe talk about it to the sages.'' You suggested. ,,I'll keep that in mind, thanks.''

The class started right after Dottore said that. You listened carefully trying to remember the important details, however, you couldn't help look at the cover of the book Dottore held in his hand. Unlike you he didn't care about this class, and instead of paying attention he continued to read the book about Khaenri'ah and the machines that were created by them. Dottore was right, they were quite smart for there time, even now the only few people that managed to create such machines were the people of Fontaine, even then it still wasn't the same.

Unlike Khaenri'ah, who managed to create machines that could walk or attack without needing the assistance of humans, Fontaine's machines needed a human to activate them. Not only that, but Khaenri'ah' machines looked so much more dangerous and interesting while Fontaine's machines were plain and harmless, from what you could tell that is.

You looked at Dottore's book once more before deciding to start paying attention to the class.

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