[Chapter 6]

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It was morning. You felt the sun shining thru the thin layer of fabric of the tent you were sleeping in. You stood up from the small bed you were sleeping on and stretched your arms out while yawning. Then, as you were doing this, you smelled a pleasant scent of freshly baked meat, with perhaps a few pancakes? You decided to check it out.

You opened the tent and walked outside. There you saw Alec and Tirzad sitting next to each other on a dark green carpet that was laying on the ground. They were just chatting, waiting for the food to finish cooking.

,,Good morning you two.'' You greeted them as you walked towards them. ,,Good morning.'' They both said in sync. You sat down near one of the corners of the carpet. ,,Any plans for today?'' You asked. ,,Not yet, we were thinking of splitting up, but we still need to discuss it with everyone.'' Tirzad responded. He then took a sip from his coffee and looked at the portable stove that was standing close to one of the tents.

Tirzad stood up and walked over towards the portable stove and placed the pancakes that were previously in a small frying pan onto a big plate with a few fruits on it. He then walked back and placed the plate on a small table that was situated in the middle of the carpet.

,,Let's wait for the others. The pancakes are still hot. Eating them right now will only lead to mouths getting burned.'' Alec suggested with a cup of tea in his right hand. You and Tirzad nodded before continuing to talk about the future of the expeditions and some ideas the three of you had.

After a few minutes of waiting, everyone was awake and was now eating breakfast together while trying to finalize some plans for today. After some time, all of you finally agreed with each other for a plan. The group of five would split up into two groups. Group one will consist of you, Tirzad and Dottore while group two will consist of Alec and Sohreh.

,,Then it's settled. But, where will we meet each other? And when?'' Tirzad asked before calmly sipping his tea. ,,We can't leave the camp like this when nobody is here, so maybe someone should stay here and observe the area here? Or a whole group for that matter.'' He added.

,,You have a point. But I'd be dangerous if we leave someone behind, so it should definitely be a small group of people.'' Alec responded. ,,Alec, why don't we stay here today. Tomorrow we can leave this camp and move to the next spot.'' Sohreh suggested as she looked at Alec.

,,I'm willing to stay here, but Sohreh, didn't you mention you really wanted to explore today? I'm sure I can handle the camp alone.''

,,Is that right? Well don't worry Sohreh! Me and Alec can stay here. I don't mind taking your place.'' Tirzad smiled at Sohreh. She sighed, and seemingly thought about it for a few seconds before nodding. ,,If you're willing to do that, than sure.'' Tirzad nodded before clapping his hands together.

,,Alright then. Just be sure to come back to the camp before it gets dark.'' He said with a smile on his face. Both you, Dottore and Sohreh nodded. The three of you then stood up from the carpet and grabbed some stuff needed for the trip, like notebooks, pencils, a map, some water and of course some food. The three of you then went back to the carpet, where at this point Alec and Tirzad were already cleaning up the plates which were previously used to put the pancakes and fruits on.

The three of you waved the two goodbye and went left to go deeper into the Forest. Sohreh was holding the map, leading the group of three thru the beautiful forest, all while you and Dottore would look around, sometimes taking notes of the surroundings and the animals in the area.

,,Zandik, Y/N.'' Sohreh called out before she stopped walking. You heard Dottore sigh, presumably because he was about to write something down but was stopped by Sohreh, or maybe it was his real name that annoyed him? Who knows really. ,,What is it?'' You asked, visibly confused.

,,Be careful within this area, Alec mentioned there were wild animals here.'' She responded as she looked at her two fellow group members. ,,Alright. Thanks for the warning.'' Dottore said, before continuing to write something down in his notebook. You nodded at Sohreh before the three of you continued to walk around the area, with Sohreh carefully observing the area for any wild animals or Fungi.

The rest of the day was nothing special, the three of you only found some old bones from what seemed to be a bird, a few mechanical parts and fruits that were already discovered previously, so there was no need to write anything down about that. But then, the three of you discovered something.

,,Is that..'' You stopped for a second, walking towards the mysterious figure. ,,..A ruin guard?'' You finished your sentence. You looked at the ruin guard with pure excitement and shock at the same time. ,,This thing isn't supposed to be here.'' Sohreh commented as she stepping forward towards you and the ruin guard, finally stopping right beside you.

Dottore just stood behind the two of you, carefully examining the newly found ruin guard from a safe distance. You heard him write a few things down before closing the book. He walked towards the ruin guard and stopped right in front of it. It didn't move an inch. ,,Seems like this one is broken.'' He commented before grabbing the arm of the ruin guard. The arm seemed heavy, and was at least twice as big as both of Dottore's hands combined.

,,Thankfully it's broken, I heard these things could be used as killing machines.'' Sohreh responded, seemingly shocked at the discovery. She was shaking a little, terrified of the thing even if it was broken and couldn't do much.

She wrote a few lines in her notebook, while making sure she was at a safe distance from the broken ruin guard, all while you and Dottore did the opposite. The two of you were lifting up the ruin guard's arms and looked to see why it was broken, only to discover that the mechanical parts the group previously cam across, were actually the ones that were missing from the ruin guard.

,,So, if we manage to get all the parts we previously found we can activate it?'' You asked Dottore while you slowly let go of the ruin guard' arm. ,,If those are the only parts that are needed, yes. However, it possible that wild animals might have stumbled upon them and took them with them for whatever purpose the animal thought it'd be good for.'' He responded, quickly looking back at the path the three of you took to the ruin guard.

,,WAIT!'' ,You guys want to activate that thing?! Are you crazy?!'' Sohreh yelled as she stood up from the place she was previously sitting at. Quickly walking over towards the two of you as she looked mortified, probably thinking about all the ways that thing could kill her.

,,Do you know how dangerous that thing is?!'' She shouted, pointing towards the ruin guard. Dottore only shrugged while you tried to calm Sohreh down. ,,Don't worry, the mechanical parts needed are probably already gone by now. Besides it was only hygienical.'' You spoke, putting your hands of Sohreh's shoulders. You then quickly looked at Dottore, who at that point got slightly annoyed. ,,Right Do- Zandik?'' You asked with a small, worried smile. He only sighed and crossed his arms. ,,Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Don't worry we won't activate the ruin guard or anything.''

,,It'd hinder the progress of this expedition would it not?'' He added, still sounding as annoyed as ever. Sohreh looked at the two of you, then at the ruin guard. ,,Yeah.. you're right.'' She said, looking towards the ground in shame. ,,It's alright, let's just go back to the camp.'' You suggested, pulling your hands away from Sohreh's shoulders. She nodded and turned around, picking up her stuff and putting it back into the backpack she took with her.

You looked over at Dottore and quickly walked over towards him. ,,Note down the location, we can always come back to the ruin guard later. There might be some important information left in this thing.'' You whispered to him. He nodded. ,,As you wish Y/N. Now let's go back to that cry baby before she gets suspicious.'' He responded coldly. He grabbed a map from his backpack and quickly marked the location for later. The two of you then walking towards Sohreh.

The way back to the camp was a long, silent walk. With only the birds occasionally chirping and flying around. And finally, the three of you arrived at the camp where Alec and Tirzad were already making dinner for everyone, happily talking about whatever they were talking about. 

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