[Chapter 3]

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After a few minutes of walking and picking up some groceries to cook something from the new cooking book you got, you arrived home. You knocked on the door and waited for your grandmother to open it. Finally, you heard a small click, seemingly coming from a lock. The door slowly opened to reveal a tiny old lady with grey hair and the same colored eyes as you. ,,Good evening Y/N.'' The lady stepped aside so you could walk into the old wooden home. ,,Good evening to you too grandma.''

You stepped inside of the small wooden house. You could hear the floor board creak each step you took. Your grandmother closed the door and followed you to the living room. ,,How was your day Y/N?'' Your grandmother asked as she continued walking a few feet behind you.

The two of you stopped walking as you both entered the living room. Your grandmother now stood beside you, looking directly at you waiting for a responds. ,,It's was great. I met my friends a little earlier than expected and got a cooking book from Liyue!'' You replied before grabbing the book from your bag. ,,Oh? So you're making dinner today?''

,,If I manage to find the ingredients I need, sure! I got some stuff I needed on my way here, so I'll see what I can do.'' Your grandmother smiled at you. She was one of the most wholesome people you know, she'd always give you and your little sister life advice while eating some snacks, or she'd walk around with your little sister to enjoy the fresh air and look at wild animals. You were happy to have her in your life.

You smiled. ,,I'll start cooking then.'' ,,Oh right, where is Amiya? I haven't seen her today.'' You suddenly remembered as you were about to walk towards the kitchen. ,,She's just running around the area trying to talk to those birds on our roof.'' She assured you. You smiled, your little sister enjoyed taking care and trying to talk to animals, so this wasn't new or anything. ,,Alright then, I'll start cooking something, it should be done in half an hour.'' Your grandmother nodded and wished you told you that if you needed help with something she'd be in the living room reading a book.

You could smell the scent of the Grilled Tiger Fish and Crystal Shrimp, it smelled delicious. But what would you know, it might be just the way it normally smelled, or worse. You've never smelled something like that before so you couldn't tell. You put the Crystal Shrimp into a bowl with some lettuce to make it look as much as was shown in the book as possible. Afterwards you put the Grilled Tiger Fish onto a plate, stacking them up like a pyramid.

You went over to the dinner table to put down the food you just made and told your grandmother dinner was ready, and to get Amiya. You could hear your grandmother stand up from the couch and leaving the house to get your little sister. As she was doing that, you set up the table like usual.

,,Sister! Grandma told me you made dinner today! This better not be poisonous!'' Your little sister shouted as she ran towards you, and then hugging you as soon as she got near you. ,,Hey I tried my best this time! Besides I made it using a book for cooking not from memory.'' You reassured your little sister.

You heard your grandmother chuckle as she walked into the kitchen, she than sat down on the chair she usually sat on. Your little sister let go of you and sat down on her chair. You did the same and sat down. ,,Well then, Famous Chef Y/N, what have you made today?'' Your grandmother asked you with a smile on her face. ,,Today I bring you, Grilled Tiger Fish and Crystal Shrimp. Two specialties from Liyue!.'' You proudly introduced the two dishes.

You could hear your little sister sniff the air in order to smell the food you made. ,,It smells fine.'' Your little sister muttered. ,,Why thank you Amiya.'' ,,Now, let's eat! I'm hungry.'' Amiya said before grabbing one of the Grilled Tiger Fish that was stacked.

You and your grandmother did the same, the three of them looked at each other before all of them took a bite from the Grilled Tiger Fish.

,,This tastes awesome!!'' Amiya yelled in pure shock and excitement.

,,It is delicious Y/N. It's very well made and seasoned just perfectly.'' Your grandmother complimented your cooking skills. You couldn't help but smile, finally, you didn't poison them with your cooking skills. ,,Thank you both! I'll be sure to make more of them in the future.'' ,,That'd be great!'' Both your grandmother and Amiya said at the same time.

The three of you talked for some time, talking about everything that happened in each of their lives today. Your little sister talked all about the birds and how fast their babies are growing, mentioning how they've already gotten a few feathers here and there. Your grandmother mentioned a few things about the book she was reading all day, saying how interesting it was, and how much it reminded her of back when she was still an adventurer.

And then it was your turn, you talked about your classes, were about to mention the book Dottore got, but stopped yourself, wondering what your family would think if you mentioned it. ,,I will never understand you or Zandik. Why would you chose such a boring subject such as Kshahrewar.'' Amiya commented before continuing to eat the Crystal Shrimp.

Zandik, Dottore's real name. He never liked it much, hence why he told you and Alec to just call him Dottore. It was weird at first, but you got used to it after half a year. You still called him Zandik when you talked about him towards your family though, as to not cause any confusion.

,,I personally think that it's great. As for Zandik, I'm not sure.'' You shrugged. ,,Oh well, at least you seem to enjoy your time at the Akademiya with your two friends, which is quite important if you want to finish your studies. They will keep you motivated.'' Your grandmother explained to you, to which you nodded in agreements.

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