Chapter 638 - Techniques of a Shadow Dancer

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Splendid Temple's forces hadn't even caught up yet, when Nie Yan's silhouette blurred into action.

Emerging behind the Dark Puppet Lord, he leaped into the air and executed a rising whirlwind kick.

Nie Yan was so fast he left behind a trail of after-images. His kick was as swift as lightning, impossible to react to, and brimmed with incomparable destructive power.

BANG! Nie Yan's foot struck the Dark Puppet Lord.


The Dark Puppet Lord staggered several steps forward. Letting out a furious roar, it swung around. It then smashed down with its enormous fist on Nie Yan.

Just as Nie Yan was about to be flattened into a meat patty, his figured blurred as he vanished into thin air. The Dark Puppet Lord missed Nie Yan and struck the ground below, leaving behind a large crater. It appeared bewildered at the sudden disappearance of its target.

At this moment, the invisible Nie Yan circled behind the Dark Puppet Lord's and struck forth with Backbreaker.

KRRAK! Zennarde's Sword pierced into its back.


"Damn. This big lug has really high defense!" Nie Yan cried out in slight surprise. However, he didn't pause his onslaught of attacks.

No matter how the Dark Puppet Lord flailed around and swung its fists, it couldn't land a single hit on Nie Yan. He was simply too fast.

Nie Yan gradually entered the zone. From his point of view, the Dark Puppet Lord's attacks were as slow as a turtle. It was child's play for him to evade out of the way and dish back some damage in retaliation.

The Dark Puppet Lord fully aggroed onto Nie Yan. It let out a furious roar, wildly throwing punches and stomping around. It had just locked onto him with its arm winding up for a punch, when Nie Yan suddenly vanished like a puff of smoke yet again. One versus one, a Level 100 Variant Lord was actually completely helpless against him.

At this moment, Splendid Star along with his forces finally arrived. Seeing the scene in the main square, his eyes widened in disbelief. Not only was Nie Yan taking on the Dark Puppet Lord alone, but he was completely dominating it! How was this even possible!?

Splendid Temple's players couldn't keep up with Nie Yan's movements. All they saw was a blur darting all over the place, like the flickering neon lights of a bar. He was strangely captivating.

Nie Yan's silhouette flickered around the Dark Puppet Lord as though he were performing an elegant dance.

"T-t-this is a Shadow Dancer."

The players from Splendid Temple were completely shaken. Nie Yan was showing them what the words Shadow Dancer truly signified.

"I never knew attacks could be so beautiful..."

At this very moment, everyone including Splendid Star felt a deep sense of reverence for Nie Yan.

The Mad Rogue really did live up to his legend.

Even though Nie Yan was fighting solo, he could still easily take down the Dark Puppet Lord. This was the absolute strength of a Master Class!

Splendid Star's heart swelled with anticipation. If the pinnacle class for Thieves was this strong, then what about the pinnacle class for Warriors?

Don't just stand there. Have your Mages start dealing damage. Also, tell your Warriors not to bother coming over,」Nie Yan said to Splendid Star in voice chat.

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