Favorite Crime

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Jade West walked into Hollywood Arts the following day. She made it her mission to talk to Tori and apologize. Jade didn't expect Tori not to be there. Tori never skipped school.

"Hey, have you seen Tori?" Jade asked Cat. She was hoping that Tori was at school and just avoiding Jade. That would be better than Tori being at home dealing with her feelings. Jade knew that Tori wasn't good at dealing with emotions. She had opened up to Jade before. Jade thought it was ironic that the girl who was so good at helping Jade with her feelings was terrible at dealing with her own. But that's just who Tori was. She was always putting people before herself.

"No she stayed home from school today," Cat said. "She's feeling upset about the girl who broke her heart. We missed you last night. Tori's really going through it."

"Oh, she probably texted me that she wasn't coming and I missed it," Jade said lying. She felt awful. Cat didn't know but Jade knew that the girl who broke Tori's heart was Jade. Whatever they had done last night Jade wasn't actually invited. She figured Tori lied about Jade's whereabouts. "Have you seen Trina? I want to check on Tori."

"Yeah I saw her go that way," Cat said pointing down the hall before skipping away.

Jade wanted to talk to Trina to see how Tori was doing. Jade didn't have the courage to text Tori herself. She was afraid the other girl would ignore her and Jade didn't want that.

"Hey, Trina can we talk?" Jade asked nervously when she found the older girl. Trina was with her friends outside of her locker. Trina stepped away from her friends and pulled Jade into an empty classroom. "How's Tori?"

"You cannot ask me how my sister is," Trina said diving into an angry rant. She's upset with Jade and wasn't afraid to tell her how she felt. If she hurt Jade, she wouldn't care. Jade deserved to feel like shit for how she treated her sister. "You broke my sister's heart. You don't understand the amount of damage you did to her heart. She had panic attacks because of you. She's not at school because of you. You fucked up big time Jade and I want you to stay away from my sister."

"So you know about us?" Jade asked. She hoped Trina didn't know and thought some unnamed girl broke Tori's heart. She should've known that Tori would tell Trina. Trina and Tori were a lot closer than Jade and Josh were.

"I figured it out a while ago," Trina told her. "You left your shirt at our house like an idiot."

Jade knows which shirt she's referencing. It was one of Jade's favorite shirts. It also became one of Tori's favorites as well. Jade always thought Tori looked cuter in it so it had become a part of Tori's wardrobe.

"Trina I love your sister," Jade said. "I just-"

"Save it. You don't love her. If you loved her you wouldn't have hurt her," Trina said. "If you truly love my sister then you'll leave her alone." Trina left the classroom after that and Jade was left alone to think about what Trina said. Had Jade really messed up that badly? She didn't mean to hurt Tori. Jade felt like an idiot. Why didn't she just tell Tori how she felt? Now she was stuck in the worst situation possible.

Jade goes through her classes feeling like a robot. She has a million and one thoughts going through her and none of them are good.

"What's up with you?" André asked her once lunchtime hit. "I've never seen you this quiet."

"Nothing I'm fine," Jade snapped. She didn't mean to snap at André but she didn't want to talk to him. He wouldn't understand. André put his hands up in surrender. He knew not to keep pushing Jade. It wasn't worth it. "I'm sorry. I just- I can't tell you what's going on. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"Hey don't worry about it," André told her. "If you're not ready to talk about it's fine. You'll tell someone when you're ready. I'm going to be annoying and pry for a second. No one is bullying you because you're a lesbian right?"

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