A Thousand Years

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7 years later

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do for you?" Jade asked her wife Tori quietly to not wake the sleeping baby in her arms. "You're sure you're comfortable?"

"Baby I promise I'm fine," Tori said a soft smile on her face. She glanced down at the baby in her arms. She couldn't believe the tiny baby was hers. From the moment Tori saw the two pink lines on a pregnancy test she was absolutely in love with the tiny human. Tori's pregnancy was easy. The birth was painful but it was over quickly much to Tori's relief. Jade and Tori decided to keep the gender a secret until birth and both were excited to find out they had a healthy baby girl. They named her Charlotte Jane West. Charlotte was the name of one of the girls from Jade's favorite movie The Scissoring. Jade had won the coin toss and got to choose baby Charlotte's first name. Tori luckily didn't hate the name. She wanted to give Charlotte a Disney first name but settled for giving her a Disney middle name instead.

"Only if you're sure Vega," Jade said pressing a quick kiss to her wife's cheek and then to the baby's forehead.

"Excuse you I haven't been a Vega in four years," Tori complained. Jade rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but calling you West sounds weird," Jade stated. Tori huffed but didn't say anything else. She didn't mind being called Vega by Jade. It was their thing and Tori loved it. She loved messing with Jade more. "Hey, I love you."

"I love you more," Tori said with a small yawn. Jade took the sleeping baby from Tori's arms. Tori tried to protest but Jade hushed her.

"Get some rest Tori," Jade commanded her. "I got it from here." Tori nodded as Jade took the baby to her nursery. Tori got settled in bed before falling asleep. As she fell asleep she thought about how perfect her life was and how she wouldn't change anything in the world for it.

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