chapter thirty eight

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Willow was right - the matching hair earns attention the next day at school. Although, trendsetter might not be the best way to describe the two idiots.

With her refreshed hair, Willow experiences as many stares as she had when she first dyed her hair. It makes her internally cringe and begin to wonder if Hawkins would ever outgrow its rumor mill. The stares are bad enough, unwanted attention being handed out to Willow with each student she passes as she rushes down the hallway towards O'Donnell's classroom that morning. Her and Eddie had finally arrived at school with time to spare, giving her the time to stop by the bathroom before class. When she'd departed from Eddie's side, he had left her with a quick peck and promises of seeing her in class, and every student in their vicinity had immediately taken to their whispers.

She was wearing his jacket again, now smelling like him once more. And she had spotted her black scrunchie on Eddie's wrist this morning as he drove. Subtle ways they showed each other off, minute details that say ' I belong to someone'. The two of them together shouldn't still be such a novelty, but it was for the Hawkins' student body, especially with their rise in bravery with public displays of affection. That had brought on a whole new wave of attention. A whole new hush of words between their peers, a whole new raving of rumors about the couple.

She'd heard it all at this point: Eddie had brainwashed her, Eddie had performed black magic and had her under a spell, Eddie had finally convinced her to join his Satanic cult, Eddie was going to sacrifice her to 'the Dark Lord' because she was a virgin, Eddie had taken her virginity as an offering - it never ended. It got under her skin bit by bit, especially when her virginity was brought into the conversations she was excluded from.

Why the hell do they care so much? Who cares if I've had sex? Or haven't?

It also roused her that every rumor was so focused on one aspect - that Eddie had tricked her into whatever relationship they had going on. No one believed that Willow was dating Eddie out of her own free will, that it was her choice. No, no one could possibly ever choose to date the freak. He had to have had some dirt on her, gone through an elaborate plan to convince her to do so.

Ironic, given it was her elaborate plan that started their relationship to begin with.

When she's back in O'Donnell's classroom, sitting with her back to the front of the classroom as her and Eddie casually talk over their desks, one of the girls sitting near them begins to stare. Willow ignores it at first, used to it at this point, when it dawns on her why the girl is staring. The side of Eddie's face closest to the girl is the side with one of his frizzy curls brushing up against it, and the light is hitting it just right to make the end shimmer maroon. Almost the same shade as Willow's hair.

Another subtle detail of belonging. Another string tying Eddie to Willow.

She reaches out suddenly, and Eddie freezes up mid sentence during his ramble about Hellfire's next campaign. The strand of hair wraps around her finger delicately.

"Uh... Red?" Eddie nearly stammers, staring at her in shock, "What are you doing?"

The girl is still staring.

"It turned out nice," she says, and when he continues to look confused, she lifts the end to bring it closer to her own hair, emphasizing the matching tones, "The strand. I told you it was a good idea."

He's blushing. "O-Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess it was a good idea. Still mad, though. I will get my revenge."

He uses one of his character voices for the final sentence, and she pulls a face, scrunching her nose as she rolls her eyes. He's trying to break the tension and it's working.

the shire is burning [eddie munson x OC]Where stories live. Discover now