chapter thirty nine

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"Remember that time I talked about making out against Carver's locker?"

Even if Willow had forgotten, Eddie was sure to remind her.

She'd be lying if she said his plan didn't excite her, in some terrible and rebellious way. They spend the rest of lunch practicing , as Eddie had so lovingly put it, once he explained his plan to her. They were going to soil the sacred ground that was Jason Carver's locker. Those were his exact words. After the final bell of the school day, they would meet up in the hallway. Eddie's locker was conveniently located right by Jason's, but being the two freaks in love that they were, they were going to start partaking in a hot make-out session that simply couldn't wait till they made it outside to Eddie's van. It would be an almost mirror image of what they'd witnessed between Jason and Chrissy in the library all those weeks before - hot, and heavy, and completely inappropriate to be taking place in somewhere so public. It was a guaranteed way to piss off Jason. It was a guaranteed way to get under his skin and Eddie not throw the first punch.

Willow knew that there was a part of Eddie hoping that Jason would initiate a fight over it. She wasn't stupid, despite how coy Eddie clearly believed he was being about it. But she was two steps ahead of him. She was also anticipating the sparks of a fight, and she was already prepared to drag an unharmed Eddie away from the scene of the crime.

He wouldn't be receiving another black eye. Not on her watch.

"Won't it just reinforce the whole 'you're a slut because you have red hair' thing that Jason said about me?" Willow had worriedly brought up between kisses towards the end of their lunch periods. At that point, the kisses had turned less urgent, more comfortable, the two of them finding a soft rhythm and familiarity in each other's mouths. Willow had even found herself making use of her own tongue during some of their kisses at that point, tasting the tobacco of Eddie's morning cigarettes on his teeth.

"Something I learned a long time ago, sweetheart, is if they want to call you a freak, a slut, whatever the insult might be - their minds are already made up. Doesn't matter if you or you aren't. Might as well have fun with it and exceed their expectations, yeah?" He'd assured her with a smirk. And she hadn't found it in herself to argue any further, not when she knew at that moment she had a free pass to kiss the arrogant smirk off his face.

So that's what she did. Instead of bickering with Eddie Munson and his possibly-awful plan, she kissed him. She let herself remain draped lazily over him, hands playing with his curls, and lips nipping into his. It was a fair trade off of bad decisions, in her opinion.

And it's all she could think about the rest of the school day. In Algebra, during study hall, and in gym with Robin. His lips on her lips, no longer a daydream but a reality. She wasn't running off of fumes and pathetic pecks anymore - she was running off of something that had sunk its teeth deeper into her subconscious. She had no idea what this meant for her and Eddie now, considering that after today, they probably wouldn't have an excuse to make-out like this again, but she wasn't worrying about future tenses. No, she was living in the present. A present moment where she had Eddie Munson's tongue down her throat.

God, I've turned into a typical high school girl. Hormonal and all.

Robin can tell something's wrong when Willow passes a sorry excuse onto their gym teacher, Mr. Johnson, of girl troubles and how she needs to go to the bathroom ten minutes before the bell.

"I should probably go with her," she blurted out as she watched Willow retreating into the locker room, not listening to any of Johnson's protests as she ran after her friend.

the shire is burning [eddie munson x OC]Where stories live. Discover now