aurora XVI

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The tournament was still happening. Aurora thought it was the stupidest thing, but she didn't want to argue with anyone any longer. He was dead set on competing, and it didn't help that all of the boys seemed to agree with him and even encouraged him to join. Something about 'defending her honor,' as Luke put it. Aurora doesn't think she's ever sighed as much in her life as she did during the conversation earlier.


    Her head was spinning as she looked at each boy standing in front of her, "You all want to compete?"

    Jace nodded firmly, "You're our family, and you've been disrespected. We'll compete for you."

    Luke nodded, "We're defending your honor. As brothers."

    She sighed, "And you realize the winner was promised my hand?"

    Something she could no longer give. She looked at Aemond who was sharpening his sword at the table in her chambers, "Did you not want it anymore, then?"

    His sharpening stopped immediately as he glared up at her, "Do not jest about that."

    "None of us would win, of course. You're his betrothed, and no one is changing that. That doesn't mean we can't fuck up a few men here and there for speaking of you like that," Aegon flicked a piece of lint off of his sleeve.

    She wanted to shake some sense into all of them, "You shouldn't punish all of the men for what three of them did. I'm sure you did plenty last night."

    They all shared a look. Luke was the only one who had visited her last night. She had asked where his brother was, but he avoided her questions and her eyes. The next time she had seen Aegon, Jace, and Aemond, they were looking significantly lighter than the night before, and she could've sworn on everything she had that they each had dried blood on their hands. None of them stopped to speak to her when she tried to stop them in the hall. They just appeared in her chambers when she had gotten back from speaking to Helaena.

    "If three of them were speaking that way, it's not a far stretch to assume they all have similar thoughts," Aemond began sharpening his sword again.

    She sighed once again, "Perhaps, but what if they haven't? You're okay with punishing innocent men just following the King's demands?"

    Aegon barked out a laugh, "Oh, trust me, the King was made aware of our ire."

    Her body filled with dread as she slowly turned to him, "Aegon Targaryen, what did you do?"

    "Punched him," he shrugged at her.

    Her hands went to her head as she inhaled, turning around so she was speaking to the empty space instead of her boys, "Of course, you did."

    She wasn't angry that he punched his father. She was just nervous about the repercussions of that. He wouldn't hurt Aegon, but someone might take offense on the King's behalf and demand he be punished for it. She turned back to face them. Aegon heaved himself up from her couch, "You worry too much."

She accepted his comforting touch on her arms, "You're my best friend. I'm right to worry too much."

He gave her a squeeze before letting go, "Debatable."

She looked at Luke, "You're not doing it."

He opened his mouth to argue, but she stopped him with a single finger, "No arguing, Lucerys. I will not have you, or your brother," she paused to give Jace the same look, "getting injured for me."

Luke nodded at her in defeat, but Jace was harder to convince, "What, so they can enter for you, but we're not allowed to?"

She sighed, walking over to grab his shoulders, "I'd prefer if none of you entered. I'd prefer if the tournament was simply called off as the prize has been taken off the table. I'd prefer to simply enjoy a nice supper with my newly betrothed and my family, but-" she stressed, "I know I can't stop them from entering. I know I cannot stop you, either, Jace, but I would feel much better with my two brothers by my side during this. Especially since they," she nodded to Aemond and Aegon, "aren't going to be able to be with me. I'd feel better protected with you two."

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