The passage of time is... tricky. How long has it been since his visit, I do not know. But I'm... Changing. My hair has grown white in patches and is actually long enough to see without a mirror now. My angst motivation has run dry. And the blue seeps into the walls, leaving faint stains and nothing more.

No one comes. But that's OK. I pass the time however I can. Card games mostly. The few things ghostbur had brought are long spent. Water and food? Gone. I technically don't need them anyway. I start exercising, too, seeing as I have absolutely nothing to do. I run into the must until I wind up here again. I climb things clearly, not meant to be climbed. My arm is still cold from that day, but it's better now. I guess it's permanent, but that's fine. The lack of sleep is hard to cope with, but I found that if I force myself to space out for a few hours, I can fall into an almost sleep-like trance.

When I do, I can see glimpses of the overworld. It's a blur. But as I follow along, I see a general story. Tommy is still in exile. But he's lost. I see him build a tower and prepare to jump.

"Dont!!" I cry, and he looks my direction, but straight through me. He falls but lands in water. He stares up at me for the longest time, looking but not seeing me. Then he runs off through the woods. He comes to a nice-looking cottage, and the vision skips ahead. What is this?

Ghostbur told me about this. It already happened. Am I... seeing into the past? Or is my mind playing one final trick on me? And why didi try to stop him? If he died, I wouldn't be alone anymore. The vision is still fast forwarding. So I try to bring it back, but I just end up awake again. I run my fingers through my hair. That was weird.

I will try it again and again. Until I see ghostbur wake up with a start in a library. He's rubbing where my arm passed through him. This must be recent. After that, the vision only skips once more. Tommy and Techno, at a ruins of what must have been the community house. I can't quite hear everything, but my dream especially seems upset. And at Tommy. Why? He couldn't have done this. The wreckage is still smoldering, and he doesn't have any gunpowder on him and is wet. There's no way he....  he couldn't have.  There's an argument. Multiple. Then everyone scatters. I am forcefully pulled from my vision. I was only in for 10 minutes, maybe, or so I thought. But my back and neck are stiff, and I can tell it was much MUCH longer than that. I try to go back, but I can't.

Dumbfounded, I stand up and go to play some solitaire.

I beat myself 86 times in a row, lost twice, and I still can't clear my head. I failed to do so for a long while. And I can't go back in either.

What was that?

What was that?

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A tale of Sorrow-A DSMP fanficWhere stories live. Discover now