I tried and tried until it was beyond apparent, I couldn't do it again. I'm disappointed, sure. But part of me is scared of it anyway. What even is it? I'm not sure if I'm more frightened of finding out or never knowing. If there's one thing I learned in my life, it's that ignorance is bliss.

That said, I was pretty ignorant. Blow up a whole nation and think no one would catch me? I'm rather glad I was caught. At least by Phil. Who knows how much worse it could have been. At least it happened quickly. Now, I serve as a warning, a ghost story.

As my mind has for days now, my mind wanders back to the vision. It started because I was needed. Maybe I just have to wait until someone needs me again. Or maybe it's only when someone is near death? Or both? Tommy, on that tower. He needed me. And was near death.

Ghostbur is always near death, I suppose, and seems to constantly need assistance. Or that meeting at the community house. I was almost certain someone would die there. They needed an experienced political diplomat.

That last one may have been a stretch, but you could say I have a fair argument for either option. Or maybe those moments were random.

Either way, I need to be prepared next time. Like a true theater kid, I start practicing speeches and trying to check in at regular intervals. I even attempt to do my hair on occasion. Just in case. My hair has grown out now and requires me to pull it back in a small pony tail just to manage.

Then it finally happens. I try, and I feel myself phase into the overworld, glitches of it passing around me in neon green. Like him. That disturbing green hue.

Then it harshly glitches, and I'm standing in a town square at dusk. I see a tower from which an anvil hangs. Oh... Ghostbur told me about this, too.

It takes a literal small army to drag Technoblade into the square. Da- I mean, Philza looks down sadly from a balcony. His wings... how long have they been scarred like that? They look burnt, and it doesn't seem to be fresh. Was that... me? I can see from here the bars over his windows and on his door. And then I catch a glimpse of the shackles. Is he under house arrest? What for? He's quite possibly the most peaceful man here! Maybe. Potentially. Fine, probably not, but still!

"You actually got him." He says mournfully, and clearly in denial. Quackity, in a bloody apron, smirks. Tubbo looks almost ashamed but determined. Like this is a necessary evil. A very tall man who's black and white follows rather blindly. And then.... is that fundy??? He's looks so grown up. I blink back tears. I failed him as a father. Anywho:

"Phil! Phil, what did they do to you??" Technos raspy yet strangely aesthetic voice cries out, and he struggles ever so much against the army he faces. They all panic. They're scared. They should be.

I watch, unable to look away, but not wanting to see him as Techno is forced into an open topped cage, and his sentence is read aloud.

Then the chaos starts. I don't even see it all. My eyes are just drawn to movement. Someone pearls in, people start yelling, the anvil falls, wait- it fell!

I watch as it crushes Techno and as he dies momentarily. And for a second, we make eye contact. And then I'm gone again. Where am I now? What is this?

I'm on the edge of a cliff. I pull myself over the edge just above me and see it. Dreams bases entrance. I don't know how I know, but I do.

Dream is there, looking at me. Not through me, AT me.

"You can see me?" I ask. He shrugs.

"What is this?" I demand. He looks behind him to the dark room, then back to me.

"An experiment." He replies.

"I dont know what you're trying to do, but I won't cooperate. It's your fault I'm here." I respond angrily.

"No,it's your fault. Nothing was ever enough, and you FINALLY paid the price. " He retorts. I can't counter that.

"We're both monsters, Dream, but at least I paid for it. I won't help you." I say. It's painfully obvious that he has an agenda.

"I can bring you back." Dream casualy throws out there. Thats- that's not possible. It can't be... can it? Even if it is, I don't think I want to come back. Not if it's on his terms. He's a monster. But....

But I want to live. I want to truly feel the sun on my face. To taste bread, or chicken, or sand, or pumpkin pie again. I want to smell the gunpowder, and feel the heat of the fire, I want to light a fuse and- what I saying?? I can't go back! I'll just ruin it again. It's better if I stay. And yet.... it's ok to be selfish, isn't it?

"No." I say firmly. He kettle laughs, and I'm suddenly back in my dark limbo, alone once more.

I refuse to let myself fall into misery again. It's my own fault I'm here, I lost everything in search of power. I lost my mind, I lost my cool, my friends my nation, my family. I lost my faith, my morals, and I lost control. Till there was just one thing left to lose. I lost my life. And I'm better for it. I'm starting a redemption arc right here and now.

I'm giving up on drawing the chapters. If yall want to, please do. Send it to me, tag me, etc. I'll put it in. But I just don't have time to make 41 drawings. lol

A tale of Sorrow-A DSMP fanficWhere stories live. Discover now