The visions come and go, so I know nothing, it seems. But I have a good friend to tell the story for what I can't see. They'll have to take over for a while.

*its narrative*

Tommy and Tubbo went to face Dream. A final confrontation to settle it all. They planned to 2v1 Dream.... it didn't end well.

Cornered. Tommy looks up through his bangs, which are stuck to his forehead with sweat. Dream is holding Tubbo off the ground with one hand and holding an ax to the small child's neck with the other. Tubbos' face is determined and defiant, but his cheeks are stained in tears.

"Give me the disc, Tommy. Or he dies." Dream says coldly. Tubbo shakes his head.

"Don't do it, I've done enough in my life! Tommy, I've done enough!" Tubbo chokes out,  but Tommy has made his decision. The discs were worth more to him than his life. But never more than Tubbos. He tosses the discs back to Dream, and Dream puts the ax away to pick up the discs. He begins to laugh like a maniac (because he is one) and breaks both discs into thousands of pieces by shattering them against an oak tree. Black fragments with highlights of green, purple, and white fall like rain.

"They were fake, Tommy! Do you think I'm actually stupid enough to actually have them here? You've fucked me over for the last time, you bug." Dream kettle laughs and Tommy watches in dismay as Tubbo is thrown against the tree too. The small little bee baby gasps a bit, and his eyes roll back in his head.

Tommy drops his guard and rushes to his friend, crumpled like a rag doll on the mossy grass. Tears of relief flood his face as he realizes that Tubbo is still breathing. Still cradling his friend, he whips his head to look at Dream. Glaring daggers, Tommy begins to scream profanities, but he's near his breaking point, and they both know who will win this.

"Everything in the hole or he dies." Dream snaps. Tommy looks at the small crater Dream dug. His heart pounds in his chest, and his breathing grows rapidly as he recalls past trauma. A few threats and Tommy submits reluctantly. 

Dream empties Tubbos pockets and strips him  of his armor. With both teens empty-handed and defenseless, Dream drops a stick of dynamite into the hole, and Tommy watches it all be destroyed. 

Dream unceremoniously grabs the unconscious Tubbo by his collar and begins to drag his limp body down the steep slope. Tommy has no choice but to follow him. They reach an edge, and Tommy realizes Dream must intend to throw his unconscious prisoner over the edge. He opens his mouth to object but stops when Dream effortlessly pushes a giant boulder out of the way and reveals a passage. The three travel into a dark room with eerie orange lighting. Tommy looks around in fear and shock. As Dream pushes the boulder back in place, Tubbo begins to stir. Tommy realizes his strength is coming back, too.

"The beacon tends to keep people from dying, but it still helps me more than you. I wouldn't try anything." Dream proclaims loudly as he flips leavers and presses buttons along a wall. Tommy and Tubbo remained where he left them, both knowing they could not escape, and Tubbo still too weak to run. Suddenly, the ground shifts, and Dream orders them onto a specific square, which turns out to be an elevator. A very slow elevator. 

As the lift lowers into the mountain, Tommy and Tubbo look into the large room below. Infinite relics seem to be in place. The discs, the ax of peace, a horse, friend, and a blue guy.

"Skeppy?" Tommy calls down, confused. The little blue boy looks up and waves.

"Hey Tommy! Look! I solved 3 rubix cubes!" He calls back up and gestures to three solved rubix cubes on the floor of his small cage. A mountain of unsolved ones lay on his other side. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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