Part II: Accepting Fate

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Ronin: the first chapter was rough, eh? I'd figured as much. This is just a taste of what you're going to expect in this story. From being broken to being a completely heartless monster, that's what I can describe Izuku in this AU. Also, look at the pic from above, and tell me if it's accurate. Right now, let us begin the story. Narrator?

You're a sick man, you know that.

Ronin: was the first part traumatizing for you?


Ronin: well too bad, deal with it, Narrator.

Narrator's POV

Last time on Izuku Yuki, in a world where 80% of the world would receive powers known as Quirks and the remaining 20% would be Quirkless. We have learned the story of Izuku Yagi, a little boy who dreamt of becoming a Hero, however, when he was four, he was diagnosed as quirkless. This resulted in Izuku living a cruel life when his family heard the news that he was diagnosed quirkless, they would take it upon themselves to neglect and abuse Izuku throughout his whole childhood, but the nightmare doesn't stop there, when Izumi told everyone that Izuku was quirkless, all of Izuku's childhood friends ganged up on him, using their quirks to inflict damage on Izuku. After all these years of pain, with the news of Stella abandoning Izuku, he took their advice and wanted to end it all right here. 

Our story begins when Izumi returns home after a long day at school.

Izumi: I'm home!

Inko: welcome home, honey! How was your day at school?

Izumi: it was fun, I did fun things with Kacchan and all of my friends back at school.

Inko: oh that's great *smiles at Izumi* Now, where is that useless brat?

Izumi: you mean Deku? I don't really know where he is, I just left him behind, he's probably at school still.

Inko: oh okay. Anyways, your father and I have a surprise for you and we got something very important to tell you.

Izumi: okay. 

Toshinori walks into the living room, and sat down on the couch, together with Inko, while Izumi sat on the other couch.

Toshinori: Izumi, sweetie, there is something that we've been hiding for quite some time. 

Izumi: what is it, Dad?

Toshinori stood up from the couch and buffed up into a muscular man, in other words, he turns into Ass Might.

Deadpool: this makes me wanna shoot him by the balls.

Ronin: believe me when I say this, most of the readers wanna join you in torturing the tormentors, but for now, keep the guns and katanas holstered, then I will give you the signal.

Deadpool: okay Ronin.

All Might: I AM HERE! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Izumi's eyes widened in shock and surprise, she was surprised that her own father, is the hero that she idolized for years, her own father is Japan's No.1 Hero, the Symbol of Peace, All Might.


All Might: that's right, Izumi. I am here!

Izumi: I can't believe this, my own dad is the No.1 Hero, All Might! And in the flesh! This is so cool!

Inko: *giggles* I'm glad you're feeling excited, Izumi. But did you know that I am the No.8 Hero-


Inko: yep.


Inko: hehe, right you are.

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