Part XVIII: United Front

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Narrator's POV

Last time on Izuku Yuki, after being rescued and healed by Sung Jin-Woo, the Shadow Monarch, Izuku and Jin-Woo decided to join forces as they hunt down Antares and kill him before he destroys humanity. During the hunt, the two Monarchs encountered three other Monarchs, who joined forces with Antares as they plan to kill the humans. Izuku made short work by killing Querehsha in a swift and merciless manner, after seeing this, Baran, the Demon King, and the Iron Body Monarch took action by facing off against Izuku and Jin-Woo. Baran had his demons with him, while Jin-Woo has an army of shadows, the city erupted and the whole place was a warzone. Izuku faced Baran, he took time to study Baran by using tactics and he eventually used illusions on Baran, making him relieve the moments where Ashborn, the previous Shadow Monarch, defeated Baran and Jin-Woo, the current Shadow Monarch, both defeated Baran, over and over again and again.

 Being shocked after witnessing his own demise, Baran was a lost cause, Izuku stole Baran's longsword and decapitated him, watching him die a quick death. After that fight, Jin-Woo killed the Iron Body Monarch and now the boys planned another strategy, together with Kaina. If Izuku and Jin-Woo wanted to bring Antares and All For One to the open, they have no choice but to rescue Bakugou from the League of Villains, sure, they have a trap lined up for Izuku, but risks can lead to success, a wise man once said.

Now, our story begins when Izuku and Jin-Woo return to UA, after killing Querehsha, Baran, and the Iron Body Monarch.

Izuku: this sucks, man.

Jin-Woo: what?

Izuku: if we want Antares, we're gonna have to face the storm by walking into a trap, just to save a damn dog.

Jin-Woo: Bakugou?

Izuku: that dumbass, yes. 

Jin-Woo: figured as much, also I wanted to let you know that I've sent one of my shadows after one member of the League of Villains, a villain named Spinner.

Izuku: the "Stain" wannabe? Figured as much.

Anyways, we're here.

Izuku and Jin-Woo arrived at Nezu's office, he knocked on the door.

Nezu: come in. 

Izuku and Jin-Woo opened the door and walked into the office, he found several Pro Heroes, sitting at the table, and also...Ass Might and Inkhoe are there, when they saw Izuku again, they looked down in shame as they lament what they did to Izuku after all these years.

Izuku: (Ugh I forgot these idiots are Pros, I'm glad that the rest of the Heroes know of their true nature.) Nezu, thanks for calling the meeting.

Nezu: don't mention it, what do you have for us?

Izuku: so we all know that an annoying dog was captured by the LoV a few days ago, right?

Mirko: yeah.

Izuku: at first, I didn't want to save him, but if I wanted to achieve my goal and kill Odysseus, I need to save Bakugou, and to do that, we need to locate the LoV hideout.

Kamui Woods: but where is it?

Izuku: one of Jin-Woo's shadows was hiding underneath a villain's shadow, just to track on where they were going and we found our destination.

Aizawa: what did you find, Problem Child?

Izuku: the LoV is located in an abandoned bar in Kamino.

Ryukyu: Kamino?

Izuku: yeah. 

Hawks: are you sure, Izuku?

Izuku: yes, I am sure. We have a few objectives: First, we rescue the fucking ingrate of a dog. Second, deal with the LoV, and finally, assassinate Odysseus and All For One.

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