Part XX: Heat Waves

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Ronin: so...this is it. The end of the road. 

Deadpool: I cannot believe that this story is ending. Another banger Izuku Yagi story is reaching its conclusion.

Ronin: I know, I know. It's so great to see so much feedback when it comes to this story. I am glad that the readers loved it. Plus, this story has surpassed Izuku Wick, Space Invaders, The World is Yours, Beyond Light, and many great stories that I've created throughout my time here on Wattpad. 

 Deadpool: you make great stories, Ronin, and we're happy to have you. 

Ronin: thanks, bro. This story was first created on November 12th. 2022 and released on February 28th, 2023 and in just one month, this story was popping. But now, I must think about what comes next after this one.

Deadpool: are you able to make another MHA x Solo Leveling story where Izuku has Antares' power instead?

Ronin: that idea was taken into consideration, but I will think about it. But for now, let's end this thrilling story of Izuku Yuki.

Deadpool: alright man. Narrator, step forward, bro.


Narrator's POV

Last time on Izuku Yuki. The Final Battle was at hand and the fate of humanity and the world rests on Izuku and Jin-Woo's shoulders as they fought against the Monarch of Destruction, the last enemy of humanity's extinction, Antares. Both Frost and Shadow Monarchs join forces as they defeat Antares, at first, Antares was impressed with Izuku and Jin-Woo's sense of strategy so he praised them before they die, to sweeten the pot, he offered to Jin-Woo and Izuku that he will spare humanity unless they both join Antares, so that they can kill the Rulers, but both Izuku and Jin-Woo refused and they mocked Antares for being nice. Furious at his, Antares continued to overpower both Monarchs until he failed to realize that they were not attacking blindly or accidentally leaving themselves wide open, but Izuku and Jin-Woo used surprise attacks and managed to leave marks on Antares, but cavalry called in as the Rulers arrived and stabbed Antares at all sides using their spears, Izuku was surprised that Jin-Woo managed to get the Rulers on speed dial, but this angered Antares even more, he refused to die by the hands of the Rulers, so he pulls out their spears off his flesh, regenerated his wounds and used Spiritual Body Manifestation and transformed into an enormous red dragon. 

Now things got worse, but Izuku and Jin-Woo didn't give up, they used every tactic that they had to weaken Antares until Izuku came up with one final attack, he used Sennen Hyōrō (Thousand Years' Ice Prison) on Antares, crushing him and trapping him, Antares used all his energy on one final attack but he targeted Izuku, he fired his attack on Izuku, giving him critical damage and sending him down in the ocean, but Jin-Woo intervened and executed Antares, ending the battle. This is the final chapter for Izuku Yuki, I hope you are all ready.

Izumi: Why is it so cold?

Stella: you want to know why?

Izumi: what?

Stella: Izuku used Below Zero: Ice Age to freeze the entire country.

Izumi: WHAT?!

Stella: I know, quite a shocker. This amount of ice is around -20 degrees, no human being can survive this cold, except a certain few.

Stella knew what she was doing, thanks to her quirk, she is temporarily immune to Izuku's Ice Age, she also enchanted a little rune spell to keep the kids warm from the ice age, leaving Izumi at a disadvantage.

Stella: feeling cold are we?

Izumi: DIE!

Izumi used Telekinesis and summoned loads of knives and launched them toward Stella. Stella avoided the projectile knives using her own sword.

Izuku Yuki - The Frost MonarchWhere stories live. Discover now