Drinky Date?

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"A d-date?!" Bendy exclaimed.

"Yeah, you need to hurry up and ask him out!" Alice stated like she was annoyed.


You heard right!

 A date, between Henry Stein and the Ink Demon too. 

Henry had just recently confessed his feelings to the Ink Demon, but they still have yet to go on a date.

 Alice decided it was now her responsibility to make sure that one of them asks the other out. 

"But how would I-I ask? I would prefer to just wait for Henry to ask me tbh..." The last part was said not much louder than a whisper. But Alice was NOT having this. 

"Bendy, if you keep putting off asking Henry out it might never happen! You need to gather enough courage to ask him!" Alice semi-yelled. 

Even though they were already together, Bendy was still extremely nervous to ask him out. 

What if he declines? What if I can't do it? What if I chicken out and he thinks I'm lame? What if- Bendy's thinking was cut off by Boris tapping on his shoulder. 

Since Boris is mute he uses sign language. 'Don't worry Bendy, there's not really a reason for him to decline. Just pick a place and time and ask him out, it can't be that hard right?'  Boris signed. 

Bendy heavily sighed, they really didn't know what to do. 

A few hours later, Bendy had gone to visit Henry, the Ink Demon had something important to ask the human. 

"Heya Bends'" Henry spoke happily. He loved when he got to see the Ink Demon. 

Henry invited them inside and sat on the couch together, and started a conversation. 

Eventually, Henry put a movie on, although he let Bendy choose which one. 

They ended up watching 3 movies instead, called "Home", "Ugly dolls" and "Inside out". 

Although since it was only barely in the afternoon, they still had plenty of the day to waste.

 At the end of "Inside out", Bendy felt as they were about to cry (Me too buddy ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ) ), but Henry seemed to be unmoved.

"dO yOu nOt fEeL sAdNeSs??" Bendy jokingly said, after seeing how plain Henry's expression was.

"Bendy, I've seen it multiple times before, it's not as sad once you've watched it more than once or so." Henry spoke back with a hint of sass. "Anyways, what would you like to do now?" He continued after a few seconds.

Now's your chance Bendy!! Ask him! Bendy thought to themself as they were preparing for the big million dollar question. The only thing was, how would they ask?

Bendy thought for a moment before getting snapped out of it by Henry, literally snapping his fingers.

"Bendy, you okay? You zoned out there for a sec" He said with a small worried tone.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinkin'" Bendy replied plainly. Jeez, were they nervous.

"Alrighty then. Well, do you want something to eat? I know how much you like human food since you've been kinda just living off bacon soup for a long time, heh.." Henry said, breaking the awkward silence between them with a bit of a nervous laugh at the end.

Bendy's face very quickly lit up with excitement. Human food tasted so good! He hadn't actually had that much food other than endless amounts of bacon soup, which at one point just turned into ink.

Ink Demon Bendy x Henry short slice of life storiesWhere stories live. Discover now