A Three-Fold Reunion

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A/N: It's time for Chapter four that I hope you will come to adore!

They all tried to sleep in as long as possible but all of them seemed to be too hung up on Vecna. Max was glad that they had managed to convince their parents to let them stay away because she wasn't sure how she would have survived the night without the others.

Throughout the night they all woke up at least once to a nightmare. It seemed like they all had a magical sense for when one of the others had a nightmare because within a minute of someone waking up another person was up with them- woken from their own nightmare or not.

While Max was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to rest, the night was long and she couldn't shove down the fear crawling up her back at the thought of Vecna. She felt that at any moment Vecna would take over her mind and this time actually get around to snapping her bones.

A few hours after laying down the sun was already rising up into the sky and by that point they had all seemed to give up on the idea of getting any sleep.

While Nancy, Robin, and Steve made a simple breakfast with bread, jelly, and a random assortment of fruits; the others and herself left the trailer to set up a spot to eat outside.

After some bickering they finally decided to set it up at a spot that sat close to the cabin. Max helped Erica set up a blanket on the ground while the boys continued their bickering. The bickering would have annoyed her on any other day but something about the fact that they were alive to bicker, that she was alive to hear them bicker, made her enjoy it.

Once the blanket was spread out the four of them sat down to wait. Before long the older three members found them and handed out the food.

Max tried to eat the food but found herself feeling sick as soon as it touched her mouth. No matter how hard she tried to distract herself, her mind kept thinking of Vecna. Her limbs were still sore from the tug-a-war game Vecna and Eleven had over them which did not help to get him out of her mind. So she found herself staring emptily at the bread, trying to focus on the weird mix of jelly that was slashed across it.

When she finally took the effort to look up at the others she noticed that she didn't seem to be the only one who was having trouble eating. In fact it seemed that all of them didn't feel like eating; each only having taken a bite or two taken from the bread.

It was Dustin who decided to break the silence, "So... who's ready to start cleaning."

They all hurriedly agreed; everyone of them eagerly standing up and walking towards the cabin. They proceeded to start picking up loose items and sorting them off to the side into piles. Once they were positive that no belongings would be any further damaged, they started picking up the knocked down furniture to it's former design.

After the furniture was in place they started cleaning up any glass and unsalvageable items that littered the home. They would slow down every couple of hours and play some of the undamaged games that were laying around for another couple of hours. The group would also try their luck with eating and sleeping properly but the success rates were low. Their process of work and then games and then work again continued for the next two days.

By the time the second day had rolled around the house looked inhabitable again. The furniture was set up and the books and nick knacks placed on their proper shelfs. They were all surprised that the furniture pnly had a few scrapes and such from the fight. Steve and Robin made a quick trip to the formers home being extra careful to not be spotted. They were able to get the proper materials to at least cover the gaping wholes that ate at the cabin.

Right as the evening was rolling around and the gang started to prepare for lunch, Max heard a noise in the bushes and reached for the rock beside her. The others noticed her alertness and pulled out their own unique weapons.

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