First Day Together

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 Crowfeather's Pov

I lead Leafpool threw the moors and as the sun was just setting we come upon a pool of water with a few spiky trees around it.

"Lets hunt", I meow hungrily.

I see her crouch and pounce and she turns with a mouse in her jaws. Another mouse shots out and I grab it and kill it quickly. I take a long slow drink of the pool. It was cool and refreshing. I quickly gulp down the mouse. I see my love already laying down in a patch of sand under one of the trees. I trot over and lay down beside her.

"I love you" she whispers.

"I love you too" i whisper back before falling asleep.

 Leafpool's Pov

I lick Crowfeather's ear. He looks up at me. I smile. He stands up and stretches.

"Lets get going before it gets to hot", he suggests.

I nod and we set out. At sun high he catches us a rabbit and we share. We take a small break to drink from a puddle and then we set out again. A green line forms on the horizon.

"I see trees" i gasp.

" A forest and moors right next to each other. It's perfect." Crowfeather meows.

"Why not we form our own clan", I suggest.

His ears flatten.

"Not with the warrior code", i quickly add in.

He nods." what shall we call it", he asks.

"what about Featherclan", i suggest.

He nods. "That's a perfect name", He meows" and we'll have the Feather code"

By then we reach the forest.

"We should have the camp in the forest for more protection and camp building suplies", my love meows.

I nod. "let's find a place to spend the night"

We find a hollow log with a mossy inside for the night. We quickly hunt and return to the log. We quickly fall asleep.

LeafxCrow Fanfiction: The Two Hearts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now