Mountain and Frost

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Leafpool's POV

Leafpool walked back to the nursery. Being out in the clearing and heavy with kits tired her easily. She layed down into her nest of moss. Though she didn't have long to rest before she started feeling pain. "I'm kitting." she yelped. Jaytail dashed in followed by Crowstar. "Its to early!" Crowstar meowed. Jaytail starred. He looked around. Leafpool sighed. She had guest Jaytail wouldn't be able to help kin kit. Just then Jayfeather rushed with a mouth full of herbs. He shoved Jaytail out the entrance and sent Crowstar to follow Jaytail out. Now it was her and Jayfeather. He started to work.



Leafpool looked at her kits tiredly. She had been up all night kitting. Now two kits layed next to her belly. "Two she kits." Jayfeather announced.
I lick the two kits heads. Jayfeather gave a sad look at the white she kit. She was very small and weak. "She probably wont last the night." he sighed. Crowstar entered the nursery. He looked the kits. I smile up at him. "What should we name them?" he asked. I looked down at the kits. One was a brown tabby with white tipped ears. "She reminds me of the mountains." I meow. "She should ne called Mountainkit." Crowstar nods in agreement. I look at the little white kit. "She shall be called Frostkit."

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