The journey of two (12 moons after)

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"Ashstorm, oceanblaze and Firefoot join me for patrol." I call. My warriors join me as I lead them out of camp. I glance back at Leafpool she was chatting with Lilydawn. Lilydawn's kits from the her newest litter tumbled around the queens's paws. Leafpool was close to kitting their second litter. Also Daisyleaf was expecting Jaytail's kits.
I lead my patrol along the border. I stop. I smell unfamiliar cats. The rest of my patrol also must have smelled it because they all paused fur along their spines rising. I twitch my tail for silence and slowly lead my patrol to find the mysterious cats. Two cats soon come into view. They seem to be arguing. "Come on Jayfeather i'm fine!" says a huge golden tom. "No your not!" meows the second tom a grey tabby looking a lot like Jayeyes. "Those rats you fought yesterday gave you a nice bite or two!" As my patrol creeps closer both toms stiffen. The huge golden tom shoves the grey tabby behind him. "Who's there?" the golden tom calls in the direction of my patrol. I slowly lead my patrol out of our hiding place into the open. "What are you doing so close to Featherclan's border?" I ask. "Featherclan?" both toms ask in confusion. "But there are only four clans!" As i get closer I smell the familiar smell of Thunderclan. "What are Thunderclan cats doing so far from the lake?" i hiss. Both toms share a glance. "Could you bring us to your clan leader?" the golden tom asks. "Alright" i meow as i start to lead them back to camp. My clanmates give me confused glances. I shake my head once. We need more warriors. We soon reach the camp as i lead them into the camp. I see Leafpool stiffen and look at the two cats following me. She slowly walks over to the two cats. She slowly sniffs them. She gasps and takes a step back. "Who is your mother?" he asks. "Squirrelflight" replies the grey tabby. I stiffen. The toms see me and Leafpool's reactions. "Why? Do you know her?" the grey tabby asks. "Shes my sister." Leafpool replies starring at the cats in horror.

LeafxCrow Fanfiction: The Two Hearts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now