1) Think outside the box

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Note: Inspired by the movie 'Tall Girl'

"Why on earth am I tripping over this stupid box, again?! What's it doing here!"

Eddy rubs his sore toe. He has just tripped over a plain 20 cm high wooden crate, in which they got some groceries a few days ago. And that for the third time today.

"Just leave it there please, I have use for it later on." Brett answers, a warning in his voice to really not think about moving it.

"Wtf. It's just a box." Eddy grumbles under his breath, but leaves it in its place. He knows not to mess with his boyfriend if he uses that kind of voice.

The living room they're in is nice, but not that big in size. Not that they need it to be bigger. They do want a good practice room, so they had to settle for a smaller living room. And by compromising that space-wise, they now have an extra room for music and filming.
But a small living room quickly becomes cluttered, so they have to be careful not to leave any rubbish behind.
The weird thing about this, is that Brett normally is the tidy one, always nagging at Eddy for making a mess. So why on earth should there be a wooden crate against the couch? It's even ugly as hell.
Eddy rolls his eyes, while looking at the damned item.
Well okay, have it your way. The box stays for now. He grumbles.

The next day, he hurts his foot again, several times even. While swearing after hitting it quite severely this time, he hops to the couch where he can massage his sore toes. He rucks off his sock and looks angrily at the nail that is now blistered by the event and is even bleeding a bit.
Brett is sitting at the table, working on some video cuts. Disturbed by the ruckus Eddy makes, he looks up at him.

"You are such a klutz! You know it's there, so walk around it, will you?"

"What?! Why should I have to avoid it! Throw it away already! You're not using it anyway. Or please let me remove it to the top of a cabinet or something. Anything to get it out of harm's way."

Brett is watching his screen again and doesn't look up. There's no sympathy for the klutz in question.
"No. Don't. Leave it there, at that exact place. Mark my words: don't move it! You won't regret it later on. Trust me."

"What an ominous saying. Fine. Keep your stupid box." Eddy walks away, limping crippled, grumbling about stupid boxes and stupid box owners. He'll put on thick socks, so it won't hurt so much the next time he'll trip over it.

The next day, Eddy and Brett are practicing as usual. When Eddy messes up yet one more time, he gets to his boiling point.
"Okay, stick a fork in me: I'm done. I have to take a break now before I smash my violin or rip this score to 1000 process! I need to get my head around this passage first." He sighs frustrated.
"God, I'm dying for some bubble tea. You're coming with me or shall I bring you some?"

"Cooking? Dying? Always the dramatic type, eh? I want to go over this passage a few times more. Can you get me some? Same as always please."

"Sure. Half sugar, no ice. Check. Back in a sec."

He puts his shoes on and walks outside into the warmth. Yes, he really needs some refreshment.

When Eddy returns with the aphrodisiac liquid, he calls out to Brett, startling him out of his practicing Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor.

"Come out, come out where ever you are, I have some excellent BubblE Theah!"

Brett soon enters the living room, blinking to get the world back in normal vision again. Sight-reading at such a close distance makes him cross-eyed. His face has his characteristic blank expression.

"Hello sunshine. I brought you refreshments." Eddy smiles widely and walks towards his boyfriend to kiss him.
Suddenly Brett started, instantly awake now, and doges the incoming lips.

"No. Eddy, wait."

Eddy's left confused. He did not expect to be dodged upon bringing tea. What did he deserve to not be kissed?

Brett walks over to the couch quickly and bends down to pick up the wooden crate. Of course it's still there, standing at the side, just like he ordered. He picks it up and his face displays a soft grin. He walks back, crate in his hands, stands before Eddy with eyes twinkling, and puts the crate on the floor between them. Eddy watches his actions with surprise and amusement.

"What on earth...?"

"Shhhh" Brett puts a finger on Eddy's lips and stands onto the box. Suddenly he's 20cm higher than normal. For the first time in his life he looks down on Eddy.
With a devious grin he entwines his fingers in eddy's black hair and pulls his head a bit backwards. Ever so slowly he puts a kiss on eddy's lips, intensifies the movements quickly, forcing the lips underneath him apart. With his other hand he grabes Eddy's back and pulls him as close as possible and hugs him tight against himself. He deepens the kiss, twirling his tongue around the others.
Eddy's breath hitches under the aggressive display of saliva exchange and melts underneath Brett's touch. When their lips finally part he looks up at quite dazed.

"That was so intense..." He manages to say and looks up in utter adoration to this beautiful boy he can call his boyfriend, eyes glassy still from experiencing the passion just given.

Brett smiles. "Additional height rocks, don't you think?"

"Hell yes, I totally agree!"

"Told you you wouldn't regret. So, the stupid box stays?" To emphasize his question he presses another teasing kiss on the luscious lips of the boy he can finally look down on for once.

"Yes please!" Eddy's mind wanders to all the possibilities this newly added piece of furniture can add to their relationship. Whoa, this can be a very sexy thing. His cheeks turns red by his own thoughts.

"And now firstly some BubbleT pretty boy!" Brett says while he steps off the crate, leading Eddy by the hand to the couch, feeling all high and mighty.

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