Chapter 3-Asking

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Theo fiddled with his fingers as he slowly approached Eero Virtanen. It was actually quite warm for a winter day. The air was crisp and it hurt Theo's lungs. But with both the weather and the air, Theo was still breaking out in a sweat.

'What happens if it goes wrong? What happens to our friendship if he rejects me?'

Eero was surrounded by his friends. Loud and chatty. Theo made his way through the crowd and grabbed Eero by the wrist.

"We need to talk," Theo was hoping his voice wasn't shaky.

"Hm? Uh, sure I guess," Eero said looking down at his wrist and back at Theo.

As Theo started to pull Eero through the crowd, they were intercepted by Reece Kozlov and Isaac Helman, who were both grinning. Reece and Isaac were never seen apart. Most--actually everyone--guessed that the two were dating. Then they would laugh, blush, and say no. A girl named Noelle, who had moved to a different school, suspected that Isaac was gay from the start.

"Where are you two going?" Isaac said with a grin. Behind him, Reece was chuckling behind him.

"Some where, lovebirds," Eero said with irritation. "Move,"

"Oh come on Eero!" Chimed in Reece. "Where's Theodosia taking you? To the bathroom?"

Theo's face dropped. Isaac and Reece may have ruined his plan. It may awkward if he did ask him after that comment.

'Maybe he would want to-NOPE NOPE NOPE. Stop thinking about that. Think about how to get out of this conversation with Isaac and Reece.'

Out of the corner of Theo's eye, he could see Eero staring at him intently. It was kind of unnerving. It definitely made Theo sweat more. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something-

"Oi, Isaac! REECE! Go your asses over here! We're about to go to the field!"

Thank god for Anthony Yamasaki. The best wingman in the world.

"Right one second!"

Then Isaac and Reece were gone, running after Anthony.

"Are you good?" Eero asked politely.

"Y-Yeah. Let's get farther away,"

Theo found a corner near the building and pulled Eero close. Anthony had pulled the group away from them. The group was currently out on the field, out of eyesight. Definitely not earshot though. Both Eero and Theo could hear Anthony and Reece cursing at each other playfully. They were loud.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Eero asked. His face didn't show a lot of emotion.

Theo could make out words. Time seemed to slow down.

"So um," Theo paused, looked down at his feet.

'Make I contact dammit. Okay, in three, two...ONE!'

Theo looked back at Eero. "I was wondering..."

The world got quiet and slowed down.

"If you would go to the dance with me."

Moxen Hollow High School-Eero x TheoWhere stories live. Discover now