Chapter 1

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Violet's POV

School sucks........ How could anyone ever want to come here. Since we're on the topic of gross school here comes the sluts and man whores of the school. The Preps, passing by thinking their the cool shit around here. I don't think so... and lets not forget their wanna bes walking behind them. Makes me sick just to see the fucking boucing of the hair for no apparent reason or the stupid slow stride that they all think is fucking amazing. Just goes to show who all the real MVP's are.. us normal asses who the only thing that we get handed daily is our own asses by these fucking preps.

Now that its lunch and I sit alone waiting for Niall to get here I begin to wonder what actually put the idea in peoples heads that once you hit high school your automatically better than everyone else, when in reality your not.....

I was then interrupted by a hand in my face....


"HEY! Sorry didn't see you sit down. How were your morning classes? Did they suck ass??"

"Of course. All class periods fucking suck"

"I will never get out the humor I get when you cuss with your accent."

"What fucking accent? I don't have a fucking accent!"


"HAHA its nice to see you in a good mood today."

"I'm in a good mood everyday."

"No your not. Your always complaining about those dick heads and bitches of preps everyday, which causes you to be in a bad mood."

"Shut the fuck up. I do what I want I'm punk rock!"

"Yea you've told me haha well ill see you Violet. Have fun with the rest your day being miserable."

"You know I will. Haha bye Nialler."

Now off to the hell hole of a classes with the biggest fucking prep of all...... Harry Styles. He's in literally every single afternoon class with me. He is annoying as fuck, I mean yea he's fucking hot as hell, but so stuck up his girlfriends ass to see the real world. First English........

Once I get in the room I walk directly back to my seat in the back of the room , which is not to mention right behind the asshole. When I get to my seat I put my headphones in since the teacher said all we were doing today was a review packet for a test so while I do the review I decide to listen to music....

"What are you listening to? Violet? Hey Violet?" (lol Hey Violet haha get it haha cause its a band X'D)

Harry says while waving a hand in front of my face.

"What??? What do you want?"

"I asked what you were listening to?"

"I'm listening to Blink 182 why?"

"Just wondering. What song?"


"That's cool. I like that song:)"

"What the fuck do you want? I'm trying to work."

"Come on Violet we both know that you don't do school work."

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