Chapter 4

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Violet's POV

        When I woke up at the sound of my alarm Harry wasn't there. It made me wonder if he got out of the house safely from my dad. I decided to text him to make sure he did before getting ready for school. Once I got out of the shower and my hair was dried and I had usual makeup on and usual skinny jeans and plaid shirt with combat boots on and headed toward door, right before I was about to exit I got yanked back in being thrown on the floor and beat in the ribs and one fist to the eye. I laid there in pain and tears rolling down my face as he walked away laughing and drinking his poison. 

      After a few minutes I managed to pick myself up and look at the damage he had done. I  went straight to my car and looked in the mirror. When I saw that it was forming into a bruise I took out my make up and started to cover the clear black eye. As I drove to school and held in every bit of tears in my eyes fighting to come out. When I arrived and looked in the mirror one last time, seeing that the foundation and conceal wasn't working. I decided to put my ray-bans on for the time being.

As I walked to the building my phone buzzing in my pocket when I looked it was Harry responding to my text saying that he had left before my dad had got home. No surprise there he doesn't come home till 5 in the morning. I continued in the school and headed to my locker expecting Harry to be there, but he wasn't. At least not until the bell was about to ring and everyone was out of the hall way. 

"Hey :)" Harry said walking beside me as I headed to my first class. 


"You ok? why are you wearing those glasses for?"

"Because they make me look cool."

"Come on seriously take them off so I can see you eyes." Harry said while reaching for the sunglasses.

"HARRY! NO! I have to go see you later." I said before walking fast down the hall way to my first class.

After lunch with Niall it was time for my afternoon classes with Harry. When I entered the class room and walked back to my seat quietly with my head down so no one would see my eye that i had tried my very best to cover with make-up because I had got yelled at for having them on during school. When i arrived at my seat I did the usual, put my ear buds in and began listening to music while doing my work. When i saw Harry walk in I made a plan if he were to talk to me and I knew he was going to so I prepared myself now. 

" Hey Vi. Are you feeling better this afternoon and not so grumpy?" Harry had said while smiling.

"I'm good." I replied without looking up at him.

"Did i do something wrong? I tend to do that a lot so if I did just tell me."

"No Harry you didn't do anything just leave me alone ok??"

"Alright." he said with a upset voice.

He had sat down and we had finished class and he packed his things up and left. As i walked down the hall to my locker I had ran into Liam...

"Hey Violet how are....... OH MY GOSH!!! What happened? Who did this to you? Was it that one popular girl? Was it Harry?? Do you want me to beat him up for you?!?!?"

"Liam Liam... Calm down. No one did this to me I fell and it just happened ok? Just calm Down."

"Ok I was just making sure because someone had done it I would have messed them up for you."

"Haha yea right!"

"I would have!"

"What ever you say tough guy:)" I said while punching him on the shoulder lightly. After i had done that Harry appeared right next to me. Causing Liam to leave as soon as he arrived.

"Hey.....Can we talk." Harry said without looking up which I was thankful for.

"Um yea sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"Follow me.." He said while taking my hand and leading me some where I had never been before in the school. When we arrived to the destination which happened to be the roof of the school he finally started to talk.

"I know about your black eye.. I knew about since you first walked in even before i took the sunglasses off.."

"How the hell did you know?"

"Because that the same thing I do when I get hit. Violet we are the same people that go though the same things..."

"But we're not! You see you may have the same life as me at home, but here.... You get ALL of the attention that you want. You get who ever you want and you never have people making you want to go home and kill yourself ok?!?!? We are not the same. You can say that all you want to but we're not. I have a question??"

"What is it??"

"Of all people that you could possibly have in this school why in the HELL are you deciding to choose me... ME! Of all people? Tell me... is it a prank a bet??? I need to know so that I don't come out looking like the complete ass at the end of it!!?!"

"Violet... I have told... I like you so much it hurts... I want you and only you. How do you not see this....."

"Because you always wait til everyone is out of the hallways to come near me. Everyday!!!! you don't want to be seen with me and you know what... I don't blame i would want to be see with this goth looking girl either.. the one that everyone automatically thinks she cuts herself on a daily basis so that she can get attention or the girl who will follow you into an alley just so she can beat you up to steal you money. I wouldn't want to be with that girl either so I don't expect your to either. So here is you free pass to leave........" I say as I turn around waiting for him to just leave, but instead he comes up behind me and moves my hair from my neck and whispers in my ear.....

"I only want you Violet." He said which sent chills down my back as he gently kissed my neck and turned me around slowly only centimeters away from my face looking deep into to my eyes before say one last thing...

"Only you Vi." and with that he he kissed me slow and passionate like I had taught him.

I don't know how I have got myself to sucked up into this beautiful long brown curly hair boy with the sparkly green eyes and them dimples to die for...............................

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