Chapter 5

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Harry POV

As I wake up to the sound of my alarm for school I think about how my day just might go by smoothly. Who am I kidding it never goes smoothly. I finally get up and get dressed for the day. As I walk out of the door I'm surprised not to have a unnecessary punishment to be waiting for me. I get to my car and start heading to school and listening to music. When I arrive I meet up with my usual group of preps. They talk about the same stuff everyday. Who got lucky last night and who can get a girl first or some shit like that. I never listen to them because its all stupid shit that I don't care about.

"Hey Styles! Did you get some last night???" John had asked me while I was casually looking for Violet and no paying attention to them.

"You bet I did!" I said giving him a high five.

"Sweet! Who with?"

"Just some blonde"


"Yea well I see you guys later."

"See you later Styles."

I started walking hoping that I would find her.....

Violet's POV

As I walked to school thinking about what had happened yesterday thinking that this was al just a joke. I say its best if I just keep myself from this going any further and getting hurt. As I walk through the doors and I'm a my locker and I hear the bitches and one of the jocks talking behind me.....

"Yea I heard he did some blonde girl last night. I'm just glad its not that gothic emo girl Violet. He kept meet her at her locker in between classes and would talk to her a lot in English."

"Yea I'm glad too. She's disgusting!"

They then both laughed. I knew this would happen. I knew it was a game and he would just go and do some girl if he got the chance. I do have to give him credit though, he had me fooled and tricked into his lying game. I knew I shouldn't have got into this cycle.

I hadn't realized that I was crying until Niall was hugging me.

"Hey Violet what's wrong? Did the preps say something?"

I didn't even answer him I just walked away and out of the school with the silent tears rolling down my face. I walked at a steady pace to my favorite place.

After about three or four hours had past of me just lying in the grass at the abandon park listening to music and getting my mind off stuff I decided to head back to school. Its lunch time by the time I get back to school and head to sit with Niall and he doesn't saying anything about what happened earlier he just tells me about how he has been since I haven't seen him very much. I ask him if he would like to go to the movies or do something tonight and he tells me yes.

After the bell rings to go to our next classes I go ahead and put my ear buds in. I enter the room know he's looking at me without even looking. I ignore it and go to my seat. When I get my worksheet I just stare t it with no emotion. After a while I see hands sitting right above my worksheet that I haven't done any of and then my ear bud is pulled from my ear.....

"DON'T TOUCH ME OR MY STUFF!!!!!" I shout.

"WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME! WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME!" Harry screamed while slamming his hands on my desk and standing up. Causing everyone in the room to look up at us. I continue to say nothing to him and he gets even more angry and takes his desk and throws it to the back of the class room and storms out of the room.

I just sit there breathing heavy until I look up at the teacher and she's jut sitting there shock. I silently stand to my feet and gather my things and walk out of the classroom still listening to my music. As I turn the corner to go to my locker I see him sitting in front of it waiting with his head on his arms. I decided to continue walking because I know if I stop and he talks to me I will cry again and I'm not wasting anymore tears on him, but as I walk past him he sees me stands up fast and starts stomping fast behind me.

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