Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

I can't believe this!!!!!!!

Why him....... what does she see in him!!!! What does he have that I don't have?? I know........ Her.

I really hope she comes tonight, so I can ell her how I actually feel about her, to show her that I'm someone that she can like, someone that she can have feelings for and not hate........

Violet's POV

Every time I close my eyes I see his face, the face that you can tell someone is upset and depressed about the news that they just received, and it hurt to see that face over and over again. All I wanted to do in the very moment was hug him and tell him that I wouldn't go on the date, but I couldn't. He's not capable of liking someone as much as that person likes him. It would be the worst mistake if that were to happen any of that. So I decided to just forget about everything that has happened in the past 24 hours and got ready for my date with Liam tonight.......

At around 7 o'clock I heard a car pull up and the door bell rings. Once I answer it I see Liam standing with red flowers in his hand.

"Hello:) These are for you:)"

"Hey:) thanks your so sweet:)"

"I try haha:)"

"Quick question?"


"Do you mind if after dinner we go to a party together?"

"Who's party?"

"Harry Styles."

"Hmmm never heard of him, but sure:)"

"Haha cool thanks"

"So you ready?"

"yea lets go"

Once you two have had your dinner and had your conversations and got to know each other better you head off to the party together. Once you arrive you see all kinds of strobe lights going off from inside the house and people dancing with red solo cups in there hands in the front yard.

So a typical jock party... you thought to yourself...... great. You and Liam get out of the car and head toward the front door and walk straight in think that nobody would answer if you knocked any ways. As you walked around the house looking at all the people there who were drunk and basically humping each other on the dance floor which was every where you ran into a familiar blonde and when she turned round to see who hit her you saw him........

"What the hell r u doing here you slut!!!!" She said.

"I'm here on a date with Liam. Why the fuck r u here whore!!!"

"To make out and have sex with my boy friend of course." She said as she turned around toward harry and started making out with him causing me to get nauseous just watching him kiss her and look me dead on the eyes telling me that he was doing this on purpose to hurt me and it was working. As I stood there trying not to break down in front of him and everyone here I decided to run.... run and hide from everything. As I turn I felt a hand on my wrist stopping me from going any where. Knowing that it was him I turned around and pushed against his chest making him lose his grip on my wrist and said....

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!! DON'T TALK TO EVER AGAIN!!!!" and with that I ran out with Liam following right behind me out to the car. Once were in the car Liam finally talks....

"Are you ok??"

"No. Can you just take me home."

 "Yea." he said as we drove off down the street toward my house.

Once we arrived we sat in the car in silences....

"Thanks for tonight im sorry it ended this way:/"

"Its ok I had a nice time... you know before we went to the party but still."

"Yea me too:) ill see you tomorrow ok:)" I said as I hugged him.

"Yea see you tomorrow. Bye:)"

"Bye" I said as I got out of the car. I waited for him to drive off and instead of going inside I decided to go to my favorite place when ii upset....... The abandon park. As I sit on the bench thinking to myself and crying more about tonight I heard leaves being crunched under boots. I knew exactly who it was and I did not want to see him at all right now..............

As I sit there with my hood up looking at the ground as the light rain that was falling fell on my face mixing in with the tears that were streaming down my face. As he sits down next to me he wrapping  something around me which I assume is his jacket that I don't really want, but it's cold out here so I'm going to use it till I decided to storm off..

"I'm Sor....."

"No. Don't say anything....."

"Violet.... I didn't mean for that too....."

"I SAID DON'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING! JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! I don't think you truly understand what you are fucking doing to me. Your slowly ripping me apart. You don't know how it feels to be constantly crushed into a million different little pieces. Your the person that breaks those pieces! You've never been broken!"

"And how the fuck do you figure that Violet. Have you ever thought that maybe I have been broken this whole time and the only real person I can fully trust and put me back together is you?!?!? Have you ever thought of that?!?!? These Fucking feelings I have for you are so strong that I can't control them and it hurts sooo fucking much to see you with him."

"And how do you think I felt?!?!?! SEEING you have that fucking bitches tongue down your throat?!!! Not to mention that you made complete eye contact me while it happened instead of telling her to fuck off. I was so sick after that... I just wanted to vomit right then and there......"

"When you said you hated me??? Did you mean it??"

"Man do I fucking wish I could say yes to that question, but..... no."

"Vi look at me.."

"No.. I'm not doing that I have to go." I said as I stood up off the bench."

It was full on pouring the rain now..

"VIOLET!" Harry said as he stood as well and grabbed my wrist pulling me gently, but strong enough to turn me around. He had one arm wrapped strongly around my waist and the other cupping my cheek in a gentle grasp. I was looking down as more tears started to fall.

"Violet... Please look at me.. look how much it hurts me to have hurt you. I can't ever say enough sorry's to officially say how fucking sorry I am. If I could I would beat my own ass for what I did. I fucking like you soooo much.. I can't be with out you." Harry said as he started to lean in.

"I think I fucking Love you Violet...." Harry said in an inaudible whisper that I might not have heard him right and he leaned in to where our lips connected. Right there in the middle of the pouring rain like in a movie, but one fucked up love story we were kissing in such a gentle and generous touch it was perfect.. even for me. Harry drove me back to my house and stayed that night. he laid comforting me in the most peaceful way I fell into the best sleep I have ever had........

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