4. Kendall & Hawaii

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Jade's POV

We were at the tour bus talking when I noticed Harry, Louis and Leigh were gone. "Hey guys, where's Harry, Leigh and Lou?" I asked. "Harry's out with Kendall and I don't know where Leigh and Louis went" Niall said.

"Kendall? Kendall Jenner?" Perrie said. "Yeah. Don't you know they're dating again?" Niall asked. When he said they're dating, I felt a pang of jealousy. I thought he was going to ask me out?

"Why the hell would she be back?" Liam said. Just as he said that, the door opened and Harry and Kendall walked in. "Hi guys" Harry said. We all replied with a hey. "Guys I'm just gonna go to the kitchen" I said. When I was drinking orange juice, I didn't notice Kendall followed me so I turned to face her.

"Listen here, slut. Harry is mine. And if you EVER make a move on him, you're dead bitch" She hissed. "Why would I make a move on him if he said that he would ask me out when it's OK for me" I snort. And with that, I walked. "Hey Jade, what's Kendall doing in the kitchen?" Harry asked. "Why don't you go there?" I snapped. I went in the bathroom and cried. I can't believe Harry is with Kendall.

Perrie's POV

When Jade snapped at Harry, I knew Kendall did something to Jade. I followed Jade at the bathroom. When I opened the door, she was crying. "Aw baba. What did she do to you?" I asked "Nothing. It's just that, I have feelings for Harry and he's with Kendall" She said. "Hey. Don't worry, you'll find the right one soon" I smiled. "Now come on, let's get you cleaned up" I said. She nodded and I left the bathroom.

Leigh's POV

I was with Louis at the mall because we were bored. "Louis let's go to Forever 21!" I squealed. He groaned and said "Eww that's for girls". "Come ooon. After this we'll get a pair of vans" I said. He nodded.
*Skip shopping at F21*

"Now let's go get vans" He said. "Ok". We ended up getting a tie dye vans. "Do you want to wear it now?" I asked. He nodded. We slipped it on and left.

When we got in the tour bus, everybody bombarded us with questions. "Guys, we just went to the mall." Louis said. They all nodded and I saw Kendall making out with Harry at the other couch. My blood boiled. "Why is she here?" I asked Jesy. "She's dating him" She said. "What about Jade?" I asked her. "I don't know" She said. "HEY HEY NO PDA IN THIS BUS" I yelled. They pulled away and Harry blushed and Kendall rolled her eyes.

Suddenly I heard Kendall mutter "Bitch". "Excuse me, what did you say?" I asked her. "You heard me" She smirked. "Well, for your information, I'm not a bitch and if anyone in this room is a bitch, it's you. Secondly, nobody wants you in OUR tour bus so LEAVE" I yelled.

She rolled her eyes and left. When she was gone, everybody cheered for me. "Why would you do that" Harry yelled. "She deserved it" I said.

"No she doesn't. You're just jealous of her because you're not her" He yelled. Ouch. That hurt.

"Well Harold, you're little girlfriend called MY bestfriend a bitch and called ME a slut. What's next? Jesy, Perrie, Maricar and the boys? Do you want us to ignore the fact that she calls us bad things? Do you want us to let her continue calling us bitch and slut? For once Harry, PLEASE THINK." Jade stood up for me. I gave her a warming smile and looked at Harry.

"Mate, seriously?" Zayn said. "I thought you were better than that" Louis said. "You know what Harry, I know I just met you but I think I can't trust you" Maricar said.

"Just shut up. You're not in this." Harry said. "Oh that's it. Just shut the fuck up and leave." Jesy said. He rolled his eyes and left. "I can't believe he would do that" Niall said. "Me neither" Liam said. "Come on guys. Let's go to sleep. We have a show tomorrow. Let management be angry at Harry if he didn't come" Jade said. We all nodded and went to sleep.

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