Eat Chainsaws, Larry!

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The Doc's POV


"What?" I was shocked, to say the least.

"It's locked. We're locked in." (NAME)'s voice was shaky, as if they were on the verge of crying.

"(NAME), sit down. You are distressed, you must calm yourself." I grabbed their hand and pulled them down, and they stumbled back, landing on me.

I grunted, not expecting such a sudden impact. "(NAME), are you alright?" I could see that they were trembling, and then, they pulled me closer, sobbing into my shoulder.

"(NAME), calm yourself. We will find a way out of here, I promise." I rubbed their back, and they took a few deep breaths, and quietly counted to 10.

"How? Th-the door is locked." They replied, their voice still trembling, though their body was still.

"I'm... not sure. But, we will be alright." They pulled me in closer, and I leaned back a bit, letting them get more comfortable.

"(NAME), I will not let anything bad happen to you. I care for you deeply, and want nothing more than to help you." I said softly, and they leaned into me more.


"Yes, (NAME)?"

"I-" They hesitated for a moment

"Thank you, Doc."

I nod, and I hear (NAME) start to fall asleep.

About an hour later

"Doc?" I hear a soft voice say.

"Yes, (NAME)?"

"I think I might know how to get out. But, it will be loud."

They explain the plan to me, and I nod. "I suppose I can carry that out efficiently."

I scoop them up gently in my arms, but, before I do anything else, I look at them, into their eyes. They were beautiful. Like Sirens, beckoning me towards them. They blink, taking me out of my haze. "Doc? Can you please-"

I nod quickly, and they brace for impact as I run full-force at the door, ramming my side into it, but keeping (NAME) from harm. The door splinters apart, and I book it for the nearest office. I know what I will have to do if someone comes after us, but I don't let the thought of having to... 'treat' someone slow me down.

We enter an office, and I set (NAME) gently down on a chair.

"(NAME), I must get a good look at your injuries. It seems that-"

The whir of a chainsaw cuts me off. Dr. Bright bursts through the door, chainsaw cannon in hand, and before even observing the scene at all, shouts out, "EAT A FULL SERVING SIZE OF CHAINSAWS, LARRY!" and begins firing the cannon wildly.

"Dr. Bright, calm yourself. It is only (NAME) and I who are occupying this office at the moment." He turns the cannon off, placing is gently on the ground.

"Doctor! I'm sorry. I thought Radical Larry got out." I chuckled at the nickname.

"I'm afraid I do not know who you are referring to." I say, regaining my professional demeanor.

"Oh, right. The researchers used to call SCP 106 'Radical Larry'. I was always fond of the nickname, I don't know why they'd ever get rid of it." I nod in response.

Radical Larry. What a... unique... nickname.

A sick patient and a lovesick doctor (SCP 049 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now