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The next day

Soomin was walking in the school hall while texting someone but suddenly she felt someone tapping on her shoulder. She looked behind her only to find Teacher Chris smiling to her.

Soomin:"Hello sir! Do you need anything?"

Chris:"Hey! Actually no I don't need anything but I wanna ask you something!"


Chris:"Did you bring your lunch?"

Soomin:"I...um...No I didn't!"

Chris:"Then here! Take this & eat it but don't left any tiny piece! Bye!"

He patted her head & walked away while dancing in tiny.

Soomin:"What happened to him?!"

She put the box in her backpack & went to class as the bell rang.

In the class

She entered her class & went to her seat , a minute later the English teacher came in.

Chris:"Good morning class!"

Class:"Good morning teacher!"

Chris:"I bet that you're questioning why I am here! It's bcz, yesterday, your math had a car accident & now he's in the hospital that means I will be teaching you 2 subjects until he recovers! That means that you're gonna see me 3 times a day!"


Chris:"Yes! I'm sorry since you had to see me that much & specially for the one who doesn't like me!"

He suddenly looked at Soomin but found her asleep. He smiled a bit but then went to her. He put his hand on her head & start caressing it. He got close to her ear & start whispering.

Chris:"Soomin-sii! Wake up! It's study time!"

Soomin:"Hmm...dad! Plz no! You've been torturing me ever since I came back from school & you wouldn't let me sleep!"

As Chris heard these words, his eyes widened.

Chris:"Alexa close the door!"

Alexa quickly ran & closed the door. Chris start tapping lightly on her back & he went on shock from what he heard.

Soomin:"Hmm....let me sleep! Dad! You raped me enough yesterday!"

Chris quickly held her by her arm & made her stand up & that's when she woke up.

Chris:"What the heck are you saying?!"


He held her hand & pulled her out of the class but before he went out & looked at the class furiously.

Chris:"If anyone of you dare to talk about this topic, he's gonna be dead! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

Class:"Yes sir!"

Falling in love with my teacher Where stories live. Discover now