She's a Rebel

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It started out as a normal day. Extremely ordinary. I woke up, got ready, got on the bus, and arrived at school-just like I do every day. But that day was far from ordinary. It was extraordinary. It was the day my life was forever changed. Changes happen often, and anyone can change a life. But this was not just an average change, and the one who did so, was a very special person. If you weren't careful, his enticing green eyes could pierce your soul. His fading, dyed blonde hair could sweep you away to somewhere very unfamiliar. His deep, quirky smile could wipe away a thousand tears. And I tried to be careful. I tried to avoid every moment that could've resulted in love. But him being who he was, just wouldn't stand for that.

The bell rang loudly, just as I was almost dozing off. I quickly sprang up, grabbing my three life sustaining notebooks-drawing, writing, and school work. I walked slowly towards the door, making sure that I was the last one out of the room. I never knew why I always felt the need to the last to leave, but I did. Perhaps it was to make certain that no one was left alone. Perhaps, I was paranoid. Or perhaps I was just insane. Neither would be a shock.

I walked out of the room and headed to second hour-Spanish. As I walked through the hallway, kids bumped into me several times. My shoulders were sore from sleeping in an awkward position and so the shoves and jostles really irritated me, but I eventually made it safely to class. I took my assigned seat in the back corner of the classroom. Some would complain about such a placement, but I rather liked the fact that I could see everything that was going on around me. I could see every person that came in, and I could watch the whole class from a far.

I sort of liked to be isolated. I never liked being close to anyone. Opening up to people wasn't really my thing. I especially never wanted to tell anyone 'my feelings'. And I read a story long ago that had wise words in it. The book said "'Glee' is like money. If you have it, you shouldn't go around showing it off. You should hide it somewhere in a bank." That was my outlook. I always thought of emotions as a personal thing that happened inside your mind-not to be shared . . . Ever.

But that day, in second hour Spanish class, whole view on the world was changed by the boy that walked into the classroom. I was at my desk, making sure that the largest book was on the bottom, and that the smallest was on top. Once I was satisfied with the placement of all my books, I took a quick scan of the room. Everything seemed to be in regular working order-that is, until my eyes rested upon the teacher. He was a tall, skinny, awkward man. He was talking to a boy. I couldn't see the boy, all I could see was that he had blonde hair. It must've been dyed, because the roots of his hair were brown. He was wearing normal jeans, a long-sleeved black shirt with a collared shirt underneath, and a pair of Chuck Taylors.

The way the boy held himself was very relaxed. He seemed to understand who he was, and where he fit in society. He stood with his hands in his pockets as he talked to the teacher. As their conversation came to an end, the boy turned around. I could now see his face. There was only one way to describe him. He was absolutely stunning. He looked directly at me. My breath hitched. My heart skipped a beat. I looked at his eyes, as I was mentally evaluating him, but while I looked into his eyes, he looked into mine. We were making eye contact. I was making eye contact with a guy that I just fell in like with! Yes, I fell in like with him. I wouldn't let myself go so easily. And I definitely wasn't going down without a fight.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" The boy asked, gesturing towards the desk next to mine.

"Wha- Oh! Yeah- no! No, it's available," I answered awkwardly.

"Cool, I'm Billie Joe, by the way." He offered his hand.

"I'm Avery." I took his hand, assuming we were going to shake hands, instead, he kissed the back of mine.

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