Lazy Bones

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I pulled away.

"Um, alright?" I said, in shock.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have. I don't know what I was thinking. I should've been more polite. I guess I just wasn't thinking. Maybe I should've-" I kissed him quickly and smiled.

"It's fine." I assured.

"I'm glad." He smiled.

"Well, we'd better get going. It's getting pretty late." I offered.

"Good idea." He lead me back to the car in the pouring rain.

When we got into the car, I rested my head on the door. I reflected on my day. It was certainly an interesting day. It was very eventful. Even though I didn't attend school for very long, I learned a lot. I learned that I can surprise myself. Easily. I never, in a million years expected that I would be leaving school to hang out with a complete stranger. I also learned that Billie was a really great guy. I learned that in a very repetitive lifestyle, changes are bound to occur. I began to doze off.

When I awoke, I was laying down. I felt Billie Joe's warm body laying behind me. I felt his arms around my stomach holding me close to him. He was breathing heavily. I wondered what he was dreaming about. I also wondered how he managed to get me out of the car, inside the house, and into his bed without waking me up. I never really was a heavy sleeper. I also, never really slept in strangers' beds. I wasn't sure how I didn't wake up. Now, though, I was awake. I looked at Billie. His eyes were nearly motionless. Out of nowhere, his heavy breathing grew heavier. And heavier. His eyes flew open. His pupils shrunk to about half the size they were before. He looked at me quickly, lifting his head off of his pillow. When we locked eyes, he let out a deep sigh and plopped his head back on his pillow. He ran his fingers through his hair, in a motion of relief.

"Is something wrong, Billie?" I asked, turning my body to face him.

"No, you don't need to worry about anything. Everything's fine." He assured.

"Alright. . ."

I looked towards his clock. It was only one thirty in the morning. I closed my eyes and attempted to sleep. I woke up several times throughout the night. Finally, I got a few hours of solid sleep.

When I woke up, Billie was no longer next to me. I rolled lazily out of bed and strolled to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I was still wearing that dress. Though it was gorgeous, it wasn't very comfortable. My makeup was smudged, enhancing the dark circles below my eyes. My hair was a mess. I looked like a strung out prostitute. I turned on the sink and found a washcloth as the water heated up. Once I had one, I ran it under the water. I squeezed out the excess water and wiped away the eyeliner that went too far down. I used my nail to straighten the line. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and sighed in the mirror.

I walked quietly to Billie's room. I opened his dresser. Inside, I found a pair of black sweatpants and a Ramones tee shirt. I took them with me back to the bathroom and put them on. They were a bit big on me, but not by much, and anyways, I was comfortable, so did it really matter? I put my hands in the pockets and walked down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I saw Billie. He was standing in the kitchen, putting together a meal of some sort.

"Well, good morning, lovely!" Billie Joe said, taking notice that I had woken up.

"Morning!" I answered enthusiastically.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Well, other than you causing me to worry about your mental health, I slept wonderfully!"

"It's really nothing to worry about! Honestly."

"Well, too late for that. I'm worried."

He sighed and went back to preparing the food. Perhaps I had upset him.

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