Vile Vixen

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- Tsenre's POV -

Before I could cross the road to get to the parking lot, I saw a quad bike with two occupants rush past the tavern. A familiar yellow vixen far behind attempting to chase after it in futility, I quickly realized that that was Vileper.

As the quad bike rushed out of view Vileper slowed down and eventually came to a stop just past the tavern. Eventually she threw a quick fit before returning to looking around.

She was standing between me and the car. I had to get out of here pronto.

Walking as naturally as I could, I walked past her and attempted to cross the road.

"Why do I... Where is that coming from?" Vileper remarks as she stands up straight.

I tried to pay no heed, but I also made sure she didn't leave my field of vision. She approached me slowly, she seemed to look sane somehow. The only thing that made her look otherwise is her hair.

"What is this? Why do I smell my scent on you?" She asked me subtly.

I didn't answer her question, I kept looking for an opportunity to cross the road.

"I smell My scent and Ernst's on you. Care to explain?"

I could feel sweat dribble down the side of my face.

"I don't know who you are or who this 'Ernst' is. Do you mind? I'm trying to cross the road." I say, without looking directly at her.

"Lies! You're a stalker, aren't you?!"

Vileper then brandished her knife and held it where I could see it.

"Oi!" I shouted as I backed away from her, still looking for an opportunity to cross the road.

"There's only one way for you to have both our scents on you! You're a disgusting stalker that's stalking the two of us!" She shouted just before she lunged at me.

I grabbed her wrist, specifically the wrist of the hand holding the knife, and threw her towards the ground before making a break for it. I still couldn't cross the road because of how busy it is.

"Get over here you piece of shit!" Vileper shouted as she got back up and began to chase me again.

"I'm sorry Vagabond, but if she dies at my hands, it was in my own defense." I think to myself as I pull out my pistol.


I fired a few shots at her but they just barely missed. Following the gunshots, a number of FR Mk V units popped out of the ground and began to scan down both Vileper and I. The units eventually finished scanning us down and began to engage Vileper.

Vileper grabbed a trash can lid and threw it at one of the Mk Vs. The FR Mk Vs attempted to shoot the lid out of the air while Vileper advanced on me.

I managed to trip on my foot and fall onto my face dropping my gun. Vileper took the opportunity to pounce onto me. I rolled out of the way and her knife lodged into the sidewalk.

I kicked Vileper and reached for my gun. Meanwhile the Mk Vs returned to targeting Vileper.

As one of the units rushed towards Vileper to keep her on the ground, Vileper got up and dodged the charging robot which skidded to a stop just a few meters past Vileper.

As the units kept Vileper busy, I grabbed my gun, fired a few shots to distract Vileper and ran across the road.

Vileper wasn't happy one bit. She quickly grabbed her knife and ran across the road. Unfortunately for me, the cars on the road prevented the FR Mk Vs from pursuing Vileper.

"I don't know why the robots decide that I'm always the bad guy, but I'm not letting that stop me. YOUR LIFE'S ABOUT TO END!" Vileper shouted as she began to run towards me.

I stop, turn around and fire more shots at her.


Four more shots exit the barrel of my pistol, only one makes its mark, but it doesn't hit Vileper, it hits her knife.

As her knife tinkled as it flew away from her, Vileper pounced on me, knocking me onto my back.

"Fool! I don't need my knife to kill!" Vileper shouted as she began to punch my face.

I throw a right hook from my compromised position which hits its mark and knocks her off of me.

"Piece of shit!" Vileper screamed as she tried to kick me, but I grabbed her foot and flipped her onto her back before running for my gun.

She threw a rock at me and it hit my head, now my head began to spin. I fired more shots at her.


Shit, I'm out of ammo!

Vileper shouted as she charged towards me again. I just needed to hold her back a little more, the Mk Vs should be stopping the traffic shortly to get across.

I slap her in the face with my pistol, knocking her far back. She staggers momentarily before grabbing a stone and throwing it at me again.

I managed to dodge it but it hit an FR Mk V breaking its left face screen. They promptly halted all the cars on the road and engaged Vileper. With the bollards extending out of the road to block incoming traffic, the cars began to avoid the area where the fight was taking place, clearing the road that once blocked the Mk Vs from reaching us

Vileper paid no heed to the rapidly approaching robots and still tried to wrestle me for dominance. Kicking the gun out of my hand again she put herself in a dangerous position. With my other hand, I grab her leg and throw her towards the parking lot.

She manages to land on her feet and soon notice the Mk Vs charging at her. She turns on her foot and runs away.

"I'll kill you! Mark my words!" She shouted as she fled the scene, seven Mk Vs chasing after her.

I staggered back to the tavern as the adrenaline began to leave my body. Everything began to hurt.

Vimaat rushed towards me as I entered the tavern.

"We saw what happened out there, take it easy champ." She said as she guided me to the habitation modules.

She quickly unlocked a room and began to tend to the wounds on my head as I laid face down into the bed. "Something happened to Vileper before she went crazy. Not even Viper could overpower me that much." I muttered as Vimaat cleaned the blunt wounds on my head.

"She's certainly something else. I'm now incredibly impressed that Vagabond lasted this long." She responded, still cleaning the wounds.

Vagabond skidded in front of the room where Vimaat was tending to me.

"Tsenre! I heard the news. Are you alright?" he asked as he entered the room.

"Just a bit of blunt force trauma. My focus was keeping her knife at bay and she decided to throw stones at me and knock me over a few times on the pavement." I replied, not moving my head.

"I'm really glad to see you made it. She's really no joke." Vagabond said as he sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Let me help clean you up." Vagabond said as he grabbed a pack of sanitary wipes and began to disinfect the scratches I got from the repeated falls I had.

Eventually, I got knocked out. I don't know what knocked me out, I just drifted to sleep

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