Misplaced Memories

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- Ernst's POV –

I had somehow drifted away from Nomadia. While on the run from Viper, I had somehow run past the southern outskirts of the city and into the less urban Arias City.

There were far less Mk Vs roaming the streets which was an inconvenience for me, but with quieter streets, there are less likely to be any incidents of Viper attacking people who aren't involved in my flight.

It's dusk now but the Raskals are planning to meet me somewhere here soon and I'll get news on the radio once the plan is underway.

"Soro! Be alert! Viper is near your location!"
"Copy that. My eyes will be-- I see her. She's running towards me. Over and out."

Quickly bolting away from my maniacal stalker, I pop the speaker of the radio into my pocket.

"Fuck no!"

I've become less easy to startle and my situational awareness has improved. I've only been pinned down once since the incident in Nomadia but I've escaped that with no new wounds.

My eyes dart around, looking for something to distract or trip viper with.

I knock over a few trash cans to hopefully slow down Viper but she just vaults over the cans while not slowing down one bit.

"Nice try! It'll take more than that so stop me!"

Grabbing onto the backrest of a bench, I take a sharp turn through an alleyway. With Viper hot on my non-existent tail, I knock over a couple of pallets and boxes to block her path but she just bursts through them like no big deal.

I exit the alleyway and continue running through the streets. I'd have fired a few shots to alert a few cops but I'm clean out of ammo after our last encounter.

"Stop running already! You're wasting valuable energy!"

Grabbing a pipe sticking out of a cardboard box on the street, I swing around and throw it at Viper. The pipe clunks loudly as it bounces off the concrete sidewalk. Viper awkwardly dodges it before fumbling on her footing.


She then tripped on her own foot and fell on her face. Taking the opportunity, I grab a lamp-post and bolt past the corner.

After running a few more blocks and becoming absolutely sure that I've lost her, I run into a nearby alleyway and tune into the Raskal Situational Awareness Channel

"Soro checking in. I've managed to trip Viper and escape again. I am once again on standby for the pickup."
"Copy that Soro. Evac is still in the preparation phase, ETA now available though. It should be ready by tomorrow morning. Try to hold on until then."
"Received. I'll continue to rough pack in Nomadia's direction in the meantime. Over and out."

Returning the radio set into the backpack, I look around before leaving the alleyway.

I started to make my way to the outskirts of Arias City. A fairly long walk, but I gotta keep moving anyway. I passed by an abandoned building in disrepair which I paid no heed to when a memory took over my vision.

There was a glimpse of a happier me.

It was a quick glimpse but it burnt itself so vividly into my memory.

I was there, so was Sophie and Bleach. A happy Viper clinging to an unnaturally cyan haired Foxillian. Randal was there, so was Remmie, the latter happily clinging to the former's arm.

We were all happy. Smiles across everyone's faces, especially Viper.

The feeling that all of this pain that I've endured could've been avoided only became stronger. Where did this memory come from? It was most certainly not mine.

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