Joining the Koopa Troop

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It was supposed to be a last resort decision. One that I would never turn to unless I absolutely had to.

I never thought it would come to it. After all, why would someone like me ever consider something like it? I was fairly average in all departments. I lived a comfortable life with parents who loved me, and siblings that annoyed me, but I still loved all the same. My family owned a local restaurant that was fairly popular in my community, so I had a few friends too. By all accounts, I lived a normal life just like any other koopa my age.

That all changed when my parents sat me down that one fateful day. They had told me business was struggling. Ever since that popular burger joint opened up just across from us, it was taking away our valuable customers. We were staring to cut costs to make ends meet. We wouldn't be able to keep ourselves afloat for that much longer, and that's when I knew I had to take action.

I was young. Many good paying jobs wouldn't take me because of that. I tried working a few minimum wage jobs that were available, but that was barely enough for anything. I was on my last leg, and that's when I knew what I had to do.

The Koopa Troop was probably the most high paying job for someone as young as I was. It didn't require college. It didn't require me to be a certain age. You could join as young as 16, if your parents permitted it. King Bowser prioritized his military over anything else, and the pay reflected that. After all, he needed a lot of manpower to pull off his various schemes with the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. Might as well convince the masses with a handsome paycheck.

So here I was. Standing in line for recruitment. My parents begged me to find another way, but I had my mind made up. My paycheck would go to them each time I got it, and they would be able to keep their business afloat until they got more customers again. It was the only way to save my family from being thrown to the streets.

"Next!" Called the gruff voice of the recruiter. An old Hammer bro. He was clearly a veteran judging by the long scar across his snout, and the hardened expression on his face. I moved up in line, standing in front of him. His cloudy blue eyes pierced through my very soul. "Name and desired duty."

"Uhm- (Y/N) is my name. I'd like to be a castle guard." Out of all the jobs available, guarding the castle seemed to be the safest option. I would only need to do any fighting if that red plumber guy came along. I think his name was Marco? Manny?Mario? Yeah. I'd just need to watch for that guy. Easy peasy.

The recruiter huffed, then took a few documents out. After signing a few, he handed me them. "Go through the left hallway. After that, board the second airship you see. Got it?"

"Yup! Thank you so much, sir."

The recruiter simply grunted in response, and waved me away. I speed walked down the hallway he pointed me to. "Next!" I heard him call out again, before I went out of earshot.

"Second airship I see. . ." I mumbled to myself, passing by one airship with a long line. Koopas, Goombas, and whatever else were certainly eager to have that job, whatever it could be. "Second airship." I mumbled again, grinning upon seeing it. There was a bit of a line, but not nearly as long as the one before. I would be boarding in no time.

I stood, nervously shifting my weight on my feet. I've never been on an airship before. Oh God. I hope I don't mess anything up on accident. What would guarding a castle even be like? Would it be boring? Where would I sleep?


I look up from the floor. A red-shelled koopa, a little bit older than me I had to guess, looked at me with sympathetic eyes. I laugh nervously, "Just a little bit." That was a huge understatement, but I'm sure he already knew that by my body language.

He laughs with me, fidgeting with the papers in his hand. "Me too. I'm scared out of my mind. Especially since we'll be near the king and all."

I hadn't even thought of that. I'd be near the king. King Bowser Koopa himself. King of Darklands. King Koopa. Oh boy. I sure hope I'm not this much of a mess when I meet the king.

The line moved up, and my red-shelled friend was ready to board. "D-Don't sweat it. We'll do great, I'm sure." He turned away, handed his papers to the magikoopa at the entrance, then disappeared. Is it a little sad to say I missed him already?

The magikoopa motioned for me to come forward. I did so, handing him my papers. His eyes skimmed over it briefly. "Lucky you. You're the last one this ship can hold. Go inside."

I walked in, hearing the airship door shut immediately behind me. Inside was dark. Light shone through the windows on the side of the ship. As I moved forward, I could hear the complex mechanisms of the ship starting up, beginning to propell itself up in the air. Towards the back, chairs were lined up in front of a projector screen. I sat down in the only empty one left, right next to the koopa I had spoken to earlier. He nervously smiled at me, before turning his attention back to the projector screen. I decided to do the same.

An armored koopa who had been standing next to the screen cleared his throat and began speaking. "Welcome all. I would first like to take a moment and thank you all for making the decision to join the Koopa Troop."

Not like I had much of a choice.

"Now, allow me to introduce myself. I am Captain Keith Koopa, but you all will refer to me as just Captain. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Captain." We all said in unison.

The Captain nodded with satisfaction. "Good. Good. I can tell you will all be a great group of soldiers. Now, allow me to explain the basics of being a castle guard."

The Captain went on and on about the different castles, and how we may be called to occupy them if Bowser decides so. He said it was our job to memorize the layout of the Koopa Castle, and if Mario were to ever come by, we had to throw ourselves at him with everything we had. Admittedly, it was a lot to take in for the first day, but I'm sure we'd get at least some form of formal training. The Koopa Troop was a bit rowdy and unorganized compared to most other armies, but that's what made it so dangerous. It was unpredictable.

Suddenly, the Captain went around handing shellmets to everyone not already wearing one. "Since you will be so close to the king, you will need extra protection to be sure that Mario won't get past you so easily. These helmets have been proven to deter Mario's most dangerous attack. . ." He went up to me, and  plopped down a shellmet. On it was one dangerously sharp spike. "His jump."

Next to me, my friend had received the same. I nervously placed it on my head. It was heavy, sturdy, and secure. I strapped it to my head, feeling just a little more powerful.

"Now, that's enough from me. After all, you will be meeting the king and his inner circle soon enough." He gestured to a window. I looked outside of it, and I shivered upon the sight. Were we here already?

Bowser's castle. . .

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