Workplace accident

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Tw: Description of injuries (not too graphic but still)

I hated heights. Not so much the idea of being up high, but the visual of the ground so far below gave me severe anxiety. Knowing how far I would fall if I accidentally tripped made my stomach churn. Unlike my previous time in an airship, which was below deck, I patrolled above deck. The wind howled all around me, as thick clouds obscured most of my vision. I didn't know where we were headed. The Captain had merely ordered us to board and guard this ship until it arrived at its destination. As my legs fought the harsh winds, I silently wondered where I'd be going.

The mountains? Maybe the coastline? Honestly, anything would be easier than patrolling near lava at all times. I'd even take the desert. I hadn't gotten the chance to ask anyone where we were going. I'm sure my koopaling friends would know. If only I had the chance to talk to them a little more before this mission had been placed onto us. Then maybe I wouldn't be so left in the dark.

"Attention, Koopas!" Called the voice of our Captain.

Me and everyone else on the ship began scrambling to our spots. We all stood tall, with our backs straightened. Koopas, Goombas, and Hammer Bros alike all stood in a square formation.

"By now, the ground and air soldiers should have already taken over the castle. You all have a very important task. You will be tasked with guarding whatever is in that castle, and Prince Bowser Jr himself."

Seems even the Captain didn't know the full extent of the mission. Guarding the King's child was an important enough task on its own, though. He was the future king after all!

Almost on cue, from below the deck, Bowser Jr shot upwards in his Clown copter thing. I never knew what the point of it was. The young prince wore a smug smile on his face. His eyes trailed over the crowd, as if he were looking for someone in particular. He seemingly gave up after just a few seconds, before clearing his throat. "Alright you punks! Listen closely! That stupid Mario is definitely gonna try to foil our plans! When you see him, I want you to give it your all! Make sure he doesn't get past you! And if he does, beat him up best you can!"

"Yes sir!" We all said.

The clouds around us were just now starting to clear as the airship's altitude began to drop. Below us, we could clearly see the silhouette of a grand castle deep in a mountainous region. As the airship drew closer, I could see a bright blue flag drop from the castle's tower. In its place, a deep red one was risen, with King Bowser's logo on it.

We were here.

. . .

It took a while to get settled in. After all, a few annoying toads were still trying to drive us out. Of course, with the added back up that was my troop, they were swiftly dealt with and thrown into the dungeon. My captain had given us orders to watch out for any potential leftover toads and Mario. Now more than ever, the threat of Mario coming along was making my nerves go crazy. Guard duty was boring, but safe. Nobody would dare infiltrate the great koopa castle unprompted. But here, we were the intruders. The ones that needed to be 'driven out.'

It terrified, but excited me all the same. Even Kraig seemed to be a bit more lively than normal. Luckily, we were stationed next to each other yet again, which allowed for each of us to voice our feelings on the situation.

"Isn't this exciting? We finally get to do something other than stroll around the castle!" I said quietly to to my friend as we stood in front of a large door. Apparently something super important to Bowser's plan was in there, but I couldn't tell you what it was. Turns out they don't let common foot soldiers in on the juicy details of the Bowser's elaborate plots.

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