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This song is for the staring part haha ^
Idk if you can open it or nah but it's the song
"Where are they now?" By emily jeffri

Lesso's pov.

I watch the Evers and Nevers walk in each side of the room separately, with Dovey already beside me.

I look at the Evers and roll my eyes. They just look ridiculous as always.

All of a sudden Clarissa speaks up, "Welcome, first-year students! I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School for Good." The great hearted woman says with a kind smile on her face. Which makes me gag internally. The Evers start chanting: "Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers!"

I scoff and it's my turn to say my line. "And I'm Lady Lesso, Dean of the School for Evil." A huge, evilish grin spreads on my lips as i say it.
The Nevers start chanting: "Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!" They are pointing at the evers in front of them.

I look through my new students but something, more like someone catches my eye. My eyes suddenly stop on a readhead who's already looking at me and i just stare at her in the eye, unintentionally smirking at her for a moment. She seemingly notices that and smirks back at me. Her vibrant hazel eyes won't leave mine for a second. It's the girl i saw earlier. I didn't even get the chance to look at this beautiful creature yet.

I squint my eyes at her as i realize what i was doing, trying to seem a little more frightening but she just keeps staring at me with that mischievous smile on her lips and something else appears in her eyes but I can't really put my finger on it which makes me raise an eyebrow questioningly.

Might be a true Evil, huh?

Y/N's pov.

Me and the girls stand in the 2nd row looking at the Evers with disgust. They look ridiculous.

Suddenly, i hear a woman speak.

"Welcome, first-year students! I am professor Dovey, Dean if the School for Good." The woman says with a big smile on her face and the Evers start chanting.

"Ugh." I roll my eyes and look at Hester who is standing next to me. "They are so irritating, oh my-"
But i get interrupted by another woman.

"And I'm Lady Lesso, Dean of the School for Evil."
She says with an evil grin on her face. It's the red haired woman that I talked with earlier. The other Nevers start chanting but all i can do is stare at the beautiful woman infront of me.

I watch her analyse her new students around me when all of a sudden her eyes find mine. She smirks which surprises me a little so i hesitantly but smirk back at the redhead. All of a sudden her face changes into a more serious expression, which makes me grin wider.

Our eye contact breaks when the huge doors are opening and the Princes walk in.

After the Princes did their boring little show we go to our first class. I was sitting at the back, playing with a cockroach that just crawled up on my desk.

This guy named Hort was staring at me the whole time which was quite really annoying so i somehow sent a rat to attack him by his ankle.

How? I have no idea but i did and it was hilarious.

I'm sitting in the cafeteria now with Hester, Dot,
Anadil and Hort. I'm not really hungry yet so i just watch the Evers with Hester and laugh at them while waiting for the others to finish their meals.

A few minutes later they finished so we all get up and walk to our next class even tho we have several minutes until it starts.

We sit down and 10 minutes later i hear heels and cane tapping from outside of the door, already knowing who's coming.

Lady Lesso then walks in. "Hello, future villains."

"Every villain has a special talent they can hone into a power weapon to defeat their nemesis." She spins her cane in her right hand "Now, I want you to dazzle me with whatever you believe your unique talent to be."  She says, her eyes landing on me.

"Oh ma'am believe me i'll dazzle you in every way possible." I say out loud while looking into her piercing eyes.

Wait what did i just say?!

She raises her eyebrows and smirks like as she said "is that so?" before hitting Hort's desk with her cane.

"Hort, you're first."

Hort stands up, after a lot of struggling a stray hair appears on his chest, making me giggle. He proudly looks at her chest then at the Dean.

"All right. Next time I need a skinny, one-haired werewolf, I'll make sure to call you. Sit down." Lesso not so amazed pushes him down by his shoulder with her cane and a cackle escapes my lips and the others are giggling too.

"God that cane looks so good in her hand..." i think to myself,not being able to take my eyes off her hand and just the woman herself.

"Dot? Please tell me you can do better." Lesso says while approaching Dot's desk.
"Watch me." Dot answers and grabs her desk, her eyes rolling back a few seconds later her whole desk turns into chocolate, she takes a piece and bites into it. "Ooo slay Dot." I say as i watch her.

"Is it poisoned?" Lesso asks quietly.
"It...could be." Dot answers with her mouth full of chocolate.
"Well. It's better than a stray hair. We can work with that."

The redhead then taps her cane and i hear my name.
"Y/n."  Oh my, the way she says my name... No Y/n STOP. 

"Dazzle me." She then adds smirking at me again.

"Sure. In what way exactly?" I ask boldly, not even realising it.
Lady Lesso scoffs and steps closer, tilting my chin up with her cane. "Show me your powers, y/n."
"Oh fuck." I think to myself and gulp at her action.

But i am not sure what are my powers yet so i just close my eyes and take a deep breath, hoping for the best and trying to concentrate.

A few moments later i feel something "crawling" up on my whole body.

Plants, especially Poison Ivys grew out of nowhere. I open my eyes and they immediately widen from the view. "How?" I ask myself quietly, not believing what i just did.

"Mm. Now, tell me, what could you do with these silly little plants?" Lesso teases with her eyebrow raised.

I look around and see a rat running around. I stare at the animal and suddenly, the poison ivys starts to spread into the rat's direction.

The plant wraps itself around the rat and brings it closer, then squishes it to death in front of Lady Lesso.

I tought the plants were moving by themselves but then I realized, it was me the whole time. I told them to kill that rat.
Not gonna lie, I'm kinda amazed by myself and as i can see Lady Lesso is impressed too. I had no idea i had powers like this. Or any powers at all.

"Not bad. What do you think, could you kill bigger preys too?" She leans closer to me.

"I- probably? Yes. Yes, i could." I answer, trying to look steady and confident even tho i really am not in this woman's presence. She makes me weak in the knees everytime she's near me.

Hope yall are enjoying this so far <3
Sorry if there's any misspelling or some fucked up sentences xx

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