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Smut warning‼️
-dirty talk (ig)
-bdsm shit (i think this says enough)
!!!Everything that happens here is with consent!!!

Y/n's pov.

After I was free to go, I ran out of the school, right into the forest, not needing anyone's company right now.

The peonies letting me sit in the middle, hiding me from any creature that would come in my direction. I talk my heart out to the huge forest, telling about every single thing that happened, my feelings, my fears, even my desires.


Hours pass by unnoticed, it's already getting dark so I slowly get up, petting some of the flowers and saying goodbye for now.

I love the nature, it makes me feel so safe. Safer than anyone ever did.

It's nearly dinner time. Quickly walking up the stairs into my room, trying to be unnoticed by a certain redhead.

I quietly close the door behind me and sigh in relief.

As I turn around I find Hester glaring at me.
"Y/N?? WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU??? WE WERE SEARCHING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE!! EVEN LESSO." she yells into my face, making me furrow my brows.

Wait what? Why would Lesso- "Oh and she is angrier at you more than ever." she adds, side eyeing me with crossed arms.

"Wow, that's...phenomenal." My voice is monotone, rolling my eyes.

"Y/n, you can't be so disregardful! We were worried about You!"

"Yes I CAN. You know why? Cause I'm a fucking NEVER. I don't care about others feelings! Y'all should worry about yourselves instead." I yell back, getting a sudden wave of anger, probably from Hester.

Her face drops as the words fall from my lips.
"Wow. You really are an insensitive bitch, aren't you?" Her eyes are filled with sadness and disappointment.

"No, Hester, wait I-" She storms out and slams the door behind before i could finish.
"I'm sorry..." I tear up, fighting with my tears to don't spill from my eyes.

Suddenly the sadness turns into anger and I can't help myself but let out a loud, frustrated groan, suppressing a scream.

I am so mad at myself and I'm so mad at them for caring about me. I do not deserve such thing...

I ran out to the balcony, growing some Lianas out of the walls and climb down into the forest.

I sit in the middle of the peonies again, the tears blurring my vision as they're bursting down my cheeks.

The sweet flowers hugging my trembling body, trying to make me feel better. They are way more intelligent than humans, way more sensitive and sympathetic.

I slowly calm down, wiping the tears off my puffy, red eyes and face, the salty water soaking my sleeve.

Taking a deep breath I slowly make my way back to the School, it's already almost the end of our dinner time.

To be honest, I'm not too hungry so I try to be as slow as possible.

Feeling numb, I stare outside through the windows as I'm slowly walking through the hallways, not noticing the people that are now passing by. Dinner probably ended already.

Out of nowhere two hands are grabbing me by my shoulders, turning me around.

Not having the courage to look up, hoping the person that is standing infront of me isn't the Never's evil Dean.

Immortal She || Lady Lesso x fem.reader(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now