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TW: kinda dirty talking?

Y/n's pov.

After all the classes finished we got to our dorm and sat on the ground in our room.

"That Beatrix girl is so annoying." Hester speaks up out of nowhere with disgust in her voice.
"Who?" I ask, not really recognising the name.
"Is she an ever?"  I lay down on the ground and stare at the ceiling.

Yes the floor is very much comfortable, don't come at me.

"Yeah, some random blonde bitch that thinks everyone wants her. It's the one that is so in love with T... ugh what's his name? I forgot."
"Ta...Te...TEDROS!" I try hard to guess the name and shout as i finally remember it.

"Yeah he's just as annoying as that cunt is." Hester responds and rolls her eyes.
"Agreed. His ego is probably bigger than his own di..." i look up at Hester and cackle at my own joke and the others do too. I mean, i'm probably right.

We have nothing to talk about now so we just lay on the ground in silence while Dot and Anadil are reading something on Dot's bed.

My toughts are freely wondering in my head and suddenly the fine redhead pops up in my mind, along with some very...inappropriate thoughts.


I try to get her out of my head so i get up on my bed and try to take a nap, so does Hester.

I close my eyes but the thoughts are way too loud and won't let me sleep in peace. Rolling around in my bed for minutes, trying so hard to find the perfect position to sleep in but of course I'm not able to. I push my head into my pillow and groan in frustration.

A 'few minutes' later i open my eyes and sit up, looking around in the room. Everyone is gone.

Seems like i did fall asleep after all.

Then i hear a knock on the door.
"Come in." I say half awake, sitting up and waiting for the person to come in.

My eyes widen as i see Lady Lesso stepping into the room. I rub my eyes just to make sure I'm seeing right.

"I- Lady Lesso, what are you doing here?" I ask nervously and all she does is walk up to me with a smug smile on her flawless face.

I look down and adjust my top as she steps even more closer. I don't dare to look up at her but she grabs my chin and tilts it up so I'm looking at her now.

She then leans closer, our faces are inches apart.
"Lady Lesso-" I struggle to speak while looking into her vibrating eyes.

"I heard you had some very inappropriate thoughts about me, y/n." Lesso finally speaks up, her voice giving me goosebumps.

She tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and my cheeks heat up. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...You were a really bad girl, y/n.
How could you have such dirty thoughts about your own Dean, hmm sweetheart? Shame on you." She frowns at me then laughs evilly.

I try not to faint right here in this moment and i feel my core heating up.

I'm SO fucked up.

She was about to finally close the distance between us, as soon as her perfect lips would touch mine,
I wake up. Sweaty and out of breath.

Damn, what the fuck y/n.

I look around but the girls are not in the room. I pinch myself, making sure i am really awake this time then quickly get out of bed.

I check my clock and it's dinner time. I'm kinda hungry after skipping lunch today so i hurry and get down to the others whom are probably eating by now.

I say hi to them and sit between Hester and Hort.
"Why didn't any of you wake me up?" I ask Hester and she just shrugs.
"Oh fuck you, Hester." I roll my eyes and we grin at each other.
"I know right, how Evil of me." She giggles evilly.
"Sure." I side eye her then continue with my dinner.

After I nearly finished my plate, i hear heels and cane tapping before the door opens and the Dean of Evil walks in.  Who could have guessed.

I stare at her as she walks in and she notices. Suddenly my dream pops up in my head very vividly and i have to squeeze my thighs together. She looks at me in the eye, smirking like she knew what i was thinking about.

Keep it together y/n.

I unintentionally bite my lower lip and she grins then quickly looks away.

She then clears her throat and turns her gaze at the blonde woman in front of her. But she seems kind of...nervous?  No. No way.
"Excuse me, Dovey. Could you repeat that please, I wasn't really listening." I overhear their conversation. Dovey just rolls her eyes at Lesso with a sigh and continues talking.

"Oh my, was I distracting you ma'am?" I think to myself, a smirk appearing on my face.

I feel someone looking at me but it's not the redhead this time. I turn to my side and i find Hort staring at me. "Stop it, Hort. You're annoying." I confront him with my usual tone but he is still looking at me stupidly.

"Are you deaf? I said fuck off and stop or you want me to squish you to death just like that fucking rat today hm???" I raise my voice a little as i feel the anger growing inside of me.

He widens his eyes as I nearly shout at him and looks away, blushing.

"Thank you. Finally. Oh my god. Was that so hard?" I say still with slight of anger in my voice and roll my eyes.

"Now what's happening here?" I hear a raspy voice from behind my back and a hand on my shoulder. I look down at the hand and i recognise it immediately.

"Y/n got angry at Hort." Dot answers, not daring to look at me. My gaze could actually burn holes in her right now.
"Oh really? And why is that?" The redhead asks as she turns me around my by shoulder.

"Uhh, he was staring at me and it was really annoying so i told him to f- to stop but he didn't because he's dumb as shit and i got pissed off." I tell her looking at Hort then at Lesso, still pissed a little.
I don't know what came over me to be honest.

"Okay. Now calm down and don't make a scene. If you wanna kill him, do it somewhere else." She says looking down at me with a grin since I'm still sitting.

I look up at her and raise an eyebrow then stand up, leaning closer to her ear.
"Why would i do it somewhere else? I know how much you'd enjoy watching me killing someone." I say softly enough so the others can't hear it.

My bad, Lesso. I can't handle my horniness anymore.

She exhales sharply like she was keeping it in for awhile.

I grin and lean back, looking at her expression. "Well, you can't kill anyone until after graduation, so." She says while adjusting her tie.  My eyes glance down at her hand then back at her eyes.

God her hands are so attractive.

She steps back and walks away, I watch her sit down with the other teachers.

"If y'all are finished, wanna go upstairs?" I ask the others as i look down at them and they nod.

We begin to walk out but then I remember something.  I turn around and go back to where we were sitting, Hort is still there. I lean down and apologise to him for kinda overreacting.
When i back up i see him smiling and i smile at him back. "It's okay." He responds quietly, not wanting anyone to hear us.

I then catch up with the others and glance at Lesso before leaving the room, who is surprisingly already looking at me with the eyes that could literally murder me right now.

Well 🧍‍♀️
I don't know how to feel about this chapter but i tried LMAO
Hope y'all enjoyed it tho x

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