Smut warning!!

Y/n's pov.

"Are you ready, darling?" I barely notice her voice, the thoughts of her rammering through my head, louder with each second.

What is she gonna do to me? Am i gonna survive? Is she gonna kill me?? No. She wouldn't...

"Mhm" I hum as a response, my life flashing before my eyes.

She roughly grabs my hair and yanks my head back, making me look at her.

"Words." She commands.

Swallowing a moan, i obey.
"Yes, m- Lady Lesso." My mind full of thoughts but it's also way too blank, I don't even know how to use my words anymore.

She smirks at me, clearly enjoying my struggle with forming basic lines.

Her hand pushes me down on the cold surface, placing my hands on the sides of my head.

Oh yes, she would most definitely kill me. And  I have a feeling she would enjoy it very much. would I...

She leans down closer to my ear.
"You'll get five, for now. You will have to count every single one out loud, or you'll get two more each time you miss. Understand?" I can hear the slight hint of excitement in her voice.

She straightens up, placing one of her hands on the small of my back for support.

Suddenly I felt a strong slap on my skin, causing me to whine.

"FU- ONE." I blurt out loudly, instead of saying every curse word that exists.

Right after i said it the next slap comes, this time trying to suppress the sound of pain that wants to escape my lips desperately with a gasp.

"Two." I exhale sharply.

With each slap, my skin reddens more and more. Luckily, I was able to count all five of them, not giving the satisfaction to Lesso to cause me any more pain.

"Five." A groan leaves my mouth with the last slap from the tall ginger.

Is that normal I liked it...? Maybe it's just ovulation week, no idea.

"Hmm. Tought you wouldn't be able to handle it but as it seems, I was wrong. Good girl." A smug smirk tugging on her lips.

Fuck, did she just-

"Stand up." 

I hesitantly but do as i was told, straightening my back. I feel my skin burn where she smacked me repeatedly.

"Can you walk?" Lesso asks.

I look at her confused cause why the fuck could i not walk...? Then i take a step.

I hiss at the harsh pain on my ass. I am obviously able to walk but it still hurts as hell and as I'm seeing Lesso is way too proud of herself. This was my first time too, don't even judge me. Usually I'm not the submissive one.

I sigh and turn to face her completely.

"May i go now?" I ask.
"O- what? Why not??" I frown.
"Because... i said so." She raises an eyebrow.
"What if i don't give a fuck and just go anyway?" I step closer to her.
"Sadly, I'll have to continue torturing you." She fakes a sad expression and pouts before smirking into my face.

Immortal She || Lady Lesso x fem.reader(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now