To The Jungle

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A/n: Here's Maria's 2007 look, I gave her more of a long haired mohawk. Her weapons are a knife and machete, and she does have a scar on her cheek from "falling on a rock" as a kid.  

Maria slammed her bedroom door once she got in, she just got away from a fight with her foster parents. She was in the foster system since she was found as a baby in New Mexico, and she was gonna age out in two years. 

"Why can't they just leave me alone?" She grumbled to herself while pulling out her computer and sat down on her bed. Opening the laptop, she turned on a movie to watch while she prepared a backpack. Maria put on some spiked arm guards and shin high combat boots, along with a black choker with a jade jaguar charm. She's had the choker since she was found and over the years has discovered her powers as they developed. 

After Maria was done packing her bag, she took out a tiny pouch and sprinkled a type of magic dust on her computer. "Take me to the world I need, to the world my heart desires, to the world my spirit will be free." 

The device glitched before a bright glow engulfed not only the computer but her as well. When the light faded the computer snapped closed, leaving an empty room. Maria opened her eyes to see the sunlight while she was standing in a rainforest. 

It was peaceful, until she heard gun shots a few meters from her making her run towards the noise. There were men with guns keeping some people hostage, Maria growled at this. She hid in the shadows as she used the plants to her advantage and growled louder so to armed men would be distracted. She saw a snake next to her foot and stood still, not wanting to get bit. 

"What was that?" 

"It sounded like a jaguar." Maria whispered something to the snake, making it slither away so she could save the people. "Must be your imagination." 

The teen then took out her knife and threw it at the leader, hitting him in the forearm. She then leaped out and avoided any shots fired at her and took out the armed men. "Go, hurry home. I'll handle these bastards." 

A woman nodded and edged her child to walk with the others to their village. "Thank you." Maria nodded and turned back to the men who were getting up. She walked straight to the leader and pulled her knife out of his arm, all with a cold stare on her face. 

"Leave, now. I won't ask twice." The henchmen pointed their rifles at her, but one was caught in a snare and hoisted into the trees. Another was hit by a branch that was cut, and the last one knocked out from behind by a cloaked figure. Maria nodded in thanks and cleaned her knife after tying up the goons. 

"Who are you?" The jaguar smirked, showing off her pearly white fangs. "To know that you'd have to catch me." She took off, taking her boots and socks off so she could use her bare feet to her advantage. She leaped from tree to tree, using her powerful legs to ricochet of the trunks and she soon stopped on a high, thick branch. 

Catching her breath, she smelled the air for the cloaked figure. But she was to slow when the person grabbed her from behind. Maria struggled and even bit the person who had her in their grip, forcing them to let go. "Ow!" 

Blood dripped from the mark the girl left, and Maria balanced on the branch as she looked at the cloaked person. "Let me see." She held out her hand to him, wanting to help. 

"I don't think that's a good idea." Maria rolled her eyes and snatched his hand to have a look at the bite, which wasn't very deep. The person's arm was green and his hand three fingered, it didn't bother her in the slightest though as blue whisps came from her hands and healed the bite mark. 

"Now, you did catch me. And a deal's a deal, my name is Maria." She waited for him to come out of his shock before tilting her head. The jaguar girl rolled her eyes again and reached for his hood, taking it off his head to reveal his face. 

He was a turtle with a royal blue mask, his brown eyes were wide as he still looked at his now healed arm. "Hey." 

He snapped out of it and looked into her crystal blue eyes. "I gave you my name, now give me yours." The turtle nodded and told her his name. 

"Leonardo, but you can call me Leo." Maria nodded and looked out at the forest. "This place is beautiful." 

"And dangerous." She looked to Leo seeing him glaring out at the view. "I know, but I know how to survive out here." She really did, traveling around taught her how to quickly adapt to anything. This world was no different. 

"Well, I'd feel better if you stayed with me instead of on your own." Maria nodded and followed him back to his camp; it was a cavern a few things such as blankets and a fire pit were there. Maria dropped her bag and went through it; everything was still there. Her clothes, manchette, journal, and spare arm guards were still there. 

"So, now what?" Leo shrugged and started a fire in the pit. "I guess we protect people."   

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