Trouble Brewing

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Maria made dinner as an apology for yelling earlier, her cooking was amazing. She made paella from the seafood Mikey had left over in the fridge and some rice in the cabinet. Her experience coming from learning to cook on her own. 

Mikey leaned back in his chair as he rubbed his full belly. "My compliments to thee chef." He let out a long belch that most would be disgusted by, but Maria was used to getting compliments in this form. 

"Aw, Mikey." 

Leo was about to scold him when Maria placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't, I'm used to getting compliments like this. Besides..." Maria let out her own belch. "I'm not a proper lady, and don't like being treated like one." 

Mikey then asked an important question that even got Splinter excited. "Anyone for dessert?" Donnie got up when the phone rang, and Mikey carried over cake wrapped in tin foal. But the four turned heads when they heard Donnie telling someone to calm down. 

"Woah, slow down, April. What happened to Raph?" He paused so April could speak before telling her they were on their way. Little roof hopping later, they were at April's apartment. 

April stood up when she saw Leo and Maria come in. "Leo, you came back." A guy with long, black hair was happy to see the turtle too. "Leo!" Leo came in and Maria followed. 

"Sorry the reunion isn't under better circumstances." Maria came over to April and smiled. "Thanks, Maria." 

"Don't thank me." Mikey had to make a joke though. "Nice place you got kids." He looked over to where his brother was laying. "Oh hey, Raph." Donnie kneeled next to Raph to give him a checkup, make sure his brother was ok. 

"Well, his pulse is strong." He opened the hothead's eye. "Pupil dilation, normal." But that was the good news, when Donnie looked to his brother's shell, he found a stone weapon lodged in it. "Woah." 

This even put his brothers on edge, seeing the sharp blade. Maria pulled out the stone artifact and healed Raph's shell after handing it to Donnie. "Some kind of stone." 

"It's obsidian, Donnie. I used to collect the stuff when I used to sneak out of the orphanage." The genius nodded and looked at the engravings as Leo came over to check on Raph. "Well, is he gonna be alright?" 

Raph swatted his brother's hand away and pressed deeper into the pillow he was laying on. "You're still here? Go back to your jungle." 

Maria shook her head and got up and walked into the kitchen for some water. She came back with a glass and a white cloth, then took a small piece of the stone artifact. "What are you-?" Donnie was cut off when Leo shushed him, and Raph did get up to see what was going on. 

"She did this a lot back in the rainforest. It's how we found food and busted a few raiders." They watched as Maria put the sliver of obsidian in the water and swished it around muttering a chant in Spanish that only Leo understood. 

"Show me the one I seek, the one I am to find, the one who can no longer hide." She placed the cloth on top of the glass and turned the cup upside down after it glowed, showing it was ready. 

Maria put down the now empty cup and held up the cloth to show the others, the water that was poured onto the cloth was absorbed and made a shape in a rust red color. "Is this what attacked you?" She held it up to show Raph and the guy, who she now knew as Casey, to identify the figure cloaked in a jaguar's skin. The picture was accurate in detail and looked real. 

"That's what gave my shell a makeover." Casey then leaned to April and held up a white tranquilizer dart. "Would it help if I told you those statues you collected for Winters were shooting these at me and Raph?" 

April then seemed to put two and two together as she said, "The legend of Yaotl." Maria took a breath, knowing that all legends rang with some truth in their stories. 

But this level of truth was different, it was real. 

"It can't be, it was just a myth. Something adults would tell kids around a campfire." Leo then asked her about what she was talking about. "What are you talking about, April?" 

As the woman explained the story, Donnie examined the dart Casey had. Maria sat next to April as she finished. "But, like I said, it's just a myth." This made Maria shake her head and give some advice. "Myths and legends are used as lessons and they ring with truth. I mean, I met a Bruja when I was ten. She taught me everything I know." 

Donnie called over as he was looking at the dart under a magnifying glass. "If you ask me, this has Winters' name written all over it." 

"How do you figure that, Donnie?" Mikey and Casey joined in on the questioning. "Yeah?" The purple banned turtle held up the dart with a smile as Raph came in and sat down. "Because this has Winters' name written all over it." 

Maria crossed her arms and raised a brow as Raph started to talk. "Now I know who to thank for the shot in the arm. So where do we find this guy and his stone jokers?" Leo didn't like his brother's tone and spoke up. 

"We're not going anywhere until we get Splinter's blessing." The hothead stood up quickly and pointed to Leo. 

"You're gonna stand here and quote a rulebook that you haven't followed for a year?!" Leo stood strong as he backed up his own reasoning. 

"Look, Raph, if you wanna get something off your shell, now's the time. But I'm not gonna stand here and explain Splinter's direct orders with you!" 

Maria got in between the two, hoping to break up the fight, but she only seemed to make it worse. "What about her, huh?! She comes here and you trust her more than us?! She could be lying for all we know!" 

The girl stood tall as she moved some of her orange hair away from her eye, to not only show her two scars on her jaw, but a scar that seemed to be made from a whip. Maria's eye was permanently shut, making her half blind. She then took off her bandages to show her scarred forearms. But then took off her t-shirt and turned to show her back. She was wearing a sports bra, so her chest was covered but her back was littered with whip scars. 

Some seemed to have had stitches. "I'd never lie about this." 

She turned back around and stared him in the eye. Raph only shook his head to get rid of the shock and stormed out the window. "Fine, I quit." 

Casey tried to comfort his friend, but it didn't work as the last word the red masked turtle said before he left was, "Whatever."    

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