Chapter Three

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Louis' P.O.V. 

"You're so cute when you're sleeping" Someone chuckled.

I shifted a bit.

"Louis?" A quiet whisper came to my left ear, their breath tickling my neck.

I couldn't help, but laugh.

 He blew across my neck. Then smirked to himself when I wriggled like a worm.

"Morning hottie." I said laughing.

"Morning." He mumbled.

"So what was that about I'm cute-" 

"It was nothing!" He yelled, immediately making me sink back into my pillow. 

It was silent, but when Harry saw the look on my face he spoke. "I'm sorry, just c'mon. We have a plane to catch." He extended his hand, and I accepted it.

Little did I know that, one, I was still in my boxers, two, I my pet butterflies were having a party I was gladly not invited to, and three, all the boys were in my house, while I was holding hands with Harry.


"Oh, Louis, you're finally- Care to explain?" Oh, did I forget to mention Simon.

Yeah, that's because I didn't know he was here either.

I instantly let go, "Simon, it's definitely not what it looks like!" I blurted out.

"Look, I don't want any funny business on this trip. Understood?"

"Absolutely." I nodded. Harry did the same.

 "Good, I didn't want to have to seperate you two,"

"You don't have to sir." Harry cut in.

"Good. Now," He turned to the others,"Plane leaves in one hour."

Simon walked out of the door.

"What was that lads? Why were you holding hands?" Liam asked.

"Harry offered me his hand. It's not a big deal." I shrugged.

"But it is." Liam pushed.

"What are you expecting from me, Liam? You think that I'm going to stand here and confess my non-existent love for Harry? Do you seriously think I hooked up with him two days after Eleanor dumped me? Who do you think I am?"

"I don't want you to confess your love. I want you to explain."

"No. Because what actually happened isn't what you want to hear."

"I never said-"

"Just shut the fuck up! Both of you! We were just holding bloody hands. No love confessing," Harry's voice dropped really low, "Louis doesn't feel anything towards me anyway."

"What?" Zayn asked. Everyone else looked confused.

"Nothing." He walked up the steps.

Everyone else stood there trying to make sense of the situation.

I dashed up the steps like a maniac.

"Harry." I called. I heard him shut his door.

I pushed it open just before he locked it.

"Haz." I quickly hugged him, panting.

He didn't say anything. He just held on tight.

I pulled back. "What's up? You seem bothered?"

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