Chapter Thirteen.

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Inspired by 'Intent on hating you' by beautifulnightmare2.

Louis' POV

I watched as Niall and Heather stole food from Liam when he wasn't paying attention.

"Danielle. How is your job going?" Zayn asked.

"Quite well actually." Danielle replied.

"Okay, this is awkward. Zayn and me are going for a walk," Perrie said standing up.

Zayn sighed with relief.

We didn't mean for it to be awkward. But Harry kept staring at me with lustful eyes and everyone felt uncomfortable with him doing that.

"Can we join?" Danielle and Liam asked.

Perrie nodded and Zayn lead the way.

I gathered up the plates and Harry walked downstairs.

"Heather, can I walk you home?" I asked.

She nodded. Niall looked hurt and disappointed. He soo likes her.

"Niall? How about you come with?"

He jumped up eagerly.

"Harry! Niall and me are walking Heather home."

No response.

We were walking down the road in awkward silence. I was in the middle of Heather and Niall.

I grabbed Heather's and Niall's hands in my own. I rushed forward and brought their hands together.

"It's totally your choice, but date." I rolled my eyes and walked back into the lodge.

I headed to my room to find it empty, but the shower running.

My bed looked inviting so I flopped on it.

That's when I heard it.

A moan came from the bathroom. Then he was moaning my name.

I smiled to myself.

But soon it turned me on.

I groaned. Stuffing my head in my pillow. But I could still hear him.

Join him. My mind said.

I nodded. Live while we're young right? I'm so cheesy.

I stripped down to my boxers and stepped in the bathroom. The steam engulfed me and the moan became louder.

Finally, after debating with myself for 10 minutes I spoke up.

"Need help with that?"

I could practically hear him gulp.


"Listen, it's either you come out or I come in. Choose."

He did. The water cut off and the curtain pulled back.

He stepped out and I grabbed his neck pulling him to my lips.

"You're so fucking hot."

Harry grabbed my hips and walked me backwards out of the door.

We stumbled to the bed and he lied on top of me.

Our tongues rubbed together in rhythm with our hips.

One of my hands reached down and wrapped his dick.

I massaged the side with my thumb before sliding up and down excruciatingly slow.


I shook my head no.

"You're being a dickhead."

I trailed my thumb over the head teasingly.

"No, but I have your dick head throbbing... Don't I?" I said to his ear.

Harry closed his eyes, and I could feel him hardening and throbbing.

"One thing."

He grunted.

"Say my name."

Suddenly, his eyes shot open and he groaned "Louis" loudly. He came over my hand and I bit at his collar bone.

I looked at him and licked my hand.

"Stop. You're going to make me hard again," Harry complained.

My own dick throbbed. I winced when my boxers rubbed it.

Harry pushed me onto my back and started rambling.

"It's not fair, really. You get to see me writhe beneath you, but I don't even get to see you hard? Ha, well." He slid my boxers off; immediately grabbing me. "I'm doing one thing different."

I was about to ask what, when he took me in his mouth.

He licked every part, and hollowed his cheeks.

My eyes fluttered shut as I felt his tongue.

He looked at me, and I fluttered my eyes open to meet his gaze. 

I saw him working his way around me. I came down his throat, quickly.

Why can't I last as long as Harry? I'm weak, dammit.

Harry chuckled licking his lips, "That was fun. You didn't last very long."

"Shut up."

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I grabbed towels for us to clean up, and threw one a Harry.

We heard footsteps coming down the stairs when we were pulling on boxers. Harry grabbed the towels and took them to the bathroom.

"Lou? Heather kissed me!!" Niall bounced excitedly.

I glanced at Harry leaning against the door frame.

"That's great Nialler."

Wattpad deleted the chapter and made me re-write it. Sorry!!!


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