Chapter Twelve

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Oh it's, Louis' POV

"They look so cute together!!!"

I heard someone say.

Harry's arms wrapped tighter around me, and he groaned, "Fuck off."

I heard the click of a camuera and Harry sat up.

"Will you guys just go away?" I asked Liam and Zayn.

They shrugged and headed to the kitchen.

"... they should just get toget- WHAT IN THE?!? Harry! Louis!"

Ha ha, oh yeah... Forgot about the pranks...

Harry caught my gaze.

"Run," He mouthed.

We ran to the stairs.

Harry in front of me. Right when we made it to the staircase Liam grabbed my shirt.

"Harry! Save me!!!!" I pleaded.

Liam dragged me to the kitchen.

"Explain," He commanded.

"Uh, what happened here? You come home for 3 minutes and you've already had a chocolate explosion? I expected more from you Liam," I scolded.


"You can't blame me and Harry. We were sleeping."

"Mate, maybe Niall came home and did this than ran out," Zayn reasoned with Liam.

"I could see that. Sorry, Louis. I think I'm going to bed. I'm like loosing it."

I nodded. When Liam turned his back, Zayn and I laughed silently, and he gave me a careful highfive.

I quickly remembered the prank and I ran to Liam's room.

The door was closed, but I could hear him coughing.

"It smells bloody awful in here," He complained.

The sound of his ceiling fan coming on sounded.


I fell to the ground in laughter.

"Baby powder?" He asked himself.

I heard him go to the bathroom, "Toilet paper?!? Where are my rags?"

The squeak of him turning the faucet sounded.

"Where's the water?" He sounded angry.


I quickly stood up and tried to get away, but then he grabbed my shoulders.

"Did you do this?"

I looked up at him. He had baby powder covering him head to toe.


"Louis you're going to cl-"


Liam ran toward the outburst.


"Liam!!! Liam!! Help!"

Liam and I ran in to see Harry on the floor laughing and Zayn next to him covered in baby powder and wrapped in toilet paper like a mummy.

I fell on my knees laughing.

"Louis did you do this too?"

I nodded. Liam sighed.

Zayn unraveled himself with Liam's help.

"Zayn and I are going to change. Harry turn the water back on," Liam commanded.

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