Chapter Eight

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Louis' POV

I told him everything.

Liam took to it kindly. I think that everything will be fine,

I just. Harry's mad at me for hanging out with a girl?

"Go talk to him." Liam said.

"I don't know anymore. Liam, I don't even know why he's mad."

"Tell him that." 

I rolled my eyes, "He'll say I'm ignorant."

Liam sighed.

"Go. Anything can happen..." Niall encouraged. 

He joined my tell-all session 15 minutes in.

"Fine." I grumbled.

I glared at the two for making me do this.

I tip-toed down the steps. Hoping he'd be asleep.


"Louis? What are you doing?" Harry asked from the corner table next to our bedroom door.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"I don't." He grumbled walking into our room.

I followed the guy.

"Get out." He barked.

"My room." I said.

He rolled his eyes.

"Harry why are you even mad?"

He looked in my eyes for a long moment, "You're so ignorant."

Was I right or right? I asked myself.

"Harry. Seriously. Are you five? You woke up alone. I do that a lot. I was hanging out with a girl. God."

"You've been ignoring me-"

"In your mind I have." I interrupted.

"NO! You left me to wake up alone to go play football?"

"What did I do the night before?" 

He stayed silent.

"I fucking climbed up with you and held you. Yeah, I ignore you." I scoffed.

"I held you when you had the dream." He said.

"I'm not the one accusing you of ignoring me."

He stayed quiet. Probably debating whether he should punch me.

"All I did was play football with a girl for a day! You go out clubbing and spend a night in your room with some girl. At least I have the decency to treat her like a human and not a sex toy."

Rough? Maybe. But at this point I'm boiling. Apparently that got Harry boiling too.

"What? Are you trying to say I'm a man-whore? You-"

"Have you ever stopped to think I can hear everything? Every little moan, gasp, groan, plead, head hitting the headboard? Or what about in the morning? Where either she slips out before you wake up or you tell her it was just a misunderstanding and you aren't looking for a relationship? Do you ever think I don't want to know? So no. You don't have decency. you aren't a decent person."

"You don't have to listen." He bit back.

"Pick quieter girls than. Because my pillow, music, and humming couldn't drown her out."

"What can I say?" He smiled ruefully.

"Sorry. For all those nights where I had to stay up all night because the bedroom over was having a sex parade. Sorry for all those mornings where that poor girl is crying because you don't want her to be yours-"

Seven Minutes in Heaven [Larry Stylinson] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now